Nice term -- "Xenophobic" you sound brainwashed by fake news to me! They have a derogatory term for everyone not buying their crazy socialism/communism. Can't believe I was part of their rhetoric (college kid) at one time. I'm embarrassed.
Many of you have never hired illegals - or at least hundreds of them. Hard to differentiate legal docs from illegal and many are hard-working, family-oriented, lovely, people. Many are not so good just like all races. Maybe you should attain a level of experience in reality world before you label others. Just a thought - pretend it's fake news.
What's amazing is how duped, XJWs, buy into anything without gathering the facts/evidence of politics which is critical, but that's what humans do best - believe what we want to believe and too time consuming to do the work -- there's certainly no journalism left out there on 99.999% of media. It's easier to go along with a party of ole ma/pa kettle but it's not sound. I appreciated many factors of both sides but WOW - it's not easy being gullible, either. Get the facts then judge others and label.