Why don't you prove it -- evidence helps sometimes starting with the line, "I think white people are superior to black people" for an opener. We've heard nothing but lie after lie after lie on fake news and evidence helps. SO what if he did say that -- Obama said many things worse but he's not 100% white and being your main man walks. Amazing the prejudice here. Politicians say all kinds of nonsense -- it's their ACTIONS that matter/duh and how they run (or fail to run) the country.
We'll let ole Bernie and Pocahontas skate on the criminal acts from their followers - and everything the liberals have done to take away the voting privilege and will of the American people - the deplorables. I think those are serious crimes or were at one time. Ahh, no rule of law any more - The country could never split -- after all the liberals can't exist without the hard-working, tax-paying, conservatives, paying what percentage of the tax revs and too busy going to work day in day out while the mind-controlled, protesting, liberals, are out in the streets hurting innocent people. Liberals represent the filthy rich today but they aren't going to pay more than they have to - that's the job of the working class!