I think there's a new WAVE/movement re/annointed epiphanies going on - I heard the same thing from an X-JW about her looney father a few months ago and they like the idea of up yonder (heaven). She was rolling her eyes and relating the story to me in a disgusted tone. I wondered if it was a new cult strategy to lock more in and get their families to regroup with JWs.
Posts by LV101
Interested in a refresher about the anointed
by frozen2018 ini've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's.
however, i do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as i have several close relatives who are devout.
i rely on this site to keep me updated.. over the weekend i learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial.
Have Your Relationships Been Affected Because You Were A Jehovah’s Witness?
by minimus ini’m just curious if you think your past life either adversely or positively affected your relationships?.
I agree JWs preached (if that's what you call it) door to door to save their own necks not out of love/care but for their own elevation/promotion in the group. They're jealous/haters for the most part. I use to hear a narcissistic-sociopathic JW boast continually to her daughter that other beautiful young teenage girls weren't getting eternal life as she was -- like bummer for them - they're pretty or prettier (and had dedicated, responsible, parents, who drove them to ballet, whatever), but they'd be destroyed. Made me sick.
Gotta love religion and the inflated egos/arrogance it promotes.
The New York Child Victims Act is for JW CSA Survivors in ALL 50 States Please help spread the word. Thank you.
by Xjw csaSurvivors innew york child victims act.
"who may avail of the provisions in the child victims act?.
JW victims will have to travel to NY to take advantage of the one year statute of limitations - this time is way too restrictive but better than nothing.
What would happen to your country if you could exchange your president for Trump?
by Wonderment inwhat if we could exchange one president from another country to yours?...
say trump for trudeau, trudeau for trump, trump in exchange for your respective european country, etc -- for a few years?
would you consider it a win or a loss for your country?.
I think Obama might take the lead in the corrupt category but might be awhile before the reality surfaces. Gonna be hard for President Trump (maybe even Obama) to ever catch up with the Clinton regime.
I wouldn't trade him for any of the wanna-get-rich despots in the run.
The New York Child Victims Act is for JW CSA Survivors in ALL 50 States Please help spread the word. Thank you.
by Xjw csaSurvivors innew york child victims act.
"who may avail of the provisions in the child victims act?.
Episode 26 -- not so sure they'll be able to sue the goon squad 8 personally but hope I'm wrong. More vics need to come forward to dent this beast - that one year provision needs to be extended ad infinitum to even come close to the cult's evil. Haven't watched the other links yet.
Hitting the fan: CD epidemic at my Hall
by neat blue dog inyesterday my congregation met for field service and the elder taking the lead did something not so smart: he brought up the child abuse situation and the recent news articles hitting local news across the country.
he said 'you can see that the persecution is really coming' and that we should be ready if someone complains about it at the door.
(funny how it's persecution when it's us and righteous judgment when it happens to the other churches.
I'm surprised they haven't banned the media from the JWs - I doubt many lock steppers at meeting would open their pie holes about the cult's negativities and be marked/shunned. They aren't stupid.
It is on my local news - Silent No More
by Tameria2001 ini had a pop up on my phone from my local news (40/29 fayetteville, ar) and they are covering the jehovah's witness and the sexual abuse.
here are the links.. silent no more: the survivors.
silent no more: the verdicts.
Xjw - thanks for all the info/links -- I'll check out tomorrow.
It is on my local news - Silent No More
by Tameria2001 ini had a pop up on my phone from my local news (40/29 fayetteville, ar) and they are covering the jehovah's witness and the sexual abuse.
here are the links.. silent no more: the survivors.
silent no more: the verdicts.
I'm sure Nevada is behind the curve but generally follows suit in many areas and legislates whatever California does. I will try to find out.
What would happen to your country if you could exchange your president for Trump?
by Wonderment inwhat if we could exchange one president from another country to yours?...
say trump for trudeau, trudeau for trump, trump in exchange for your respective european country, etc -- for a few years?
would you consider it a win or a loss for your country?.
Thx, sparky1 - I will check out. I'm so sick of crooks fleecing the people via the government - nothing new. Like the SBA loan/scams recently reported. Figures the crooks reap off all that money.
It is on my local news - Silent No More
by Tameria2001 ini had a pop up on my phone from my local news (40/29 fayetteville, ar) and they are covering the jehovah's witness and the sexual abuse.
here are the links.. silent no more: the survivors.
silent no more: the verdicts.
About time lawmakers take this seriously -- I sure hope NV follows California in this area of law.