VID - are most of the halls that poor - hard to believe. I hope you're right about the sell offs and they're not able to invest.
Posts by LV101
"Armageddon is imminent!"
by nowwhat? inremember top shelf tony da turd broadcasting that world wide 2 years ago at the end of the convention?
well 2 years later do we see the slightest hint of the nation's declaring peace and security or going after religion?
so how was it imminent?
Where now for the UK Society Big Wigs?
by dozy ini see top uk jw lawyer richard cook is finally having to move out of his jw "grace & favour" house , currently for sale for a cool £2.75 million.
I've heard of professionals being offered nice packages to take up life with the cult - all their debt paid off, etc., and I'm sure the nice homes are part of the deal depending how bad they need someone.
Where now for the UK Society Big Wigs?
by dozy ini see top uk jw lawyer richard cook is finally having to move out of his jw "grace & favour" house , currently for sale for a cool £2.75 million.
Duh - I realized conveying this message to someone else that Cook is not in private practice.
Zalkin Law Firm flooded with calls from ex-JWs
by Roger Kirkpatrick inyesterday, i posted a question for a friend in texas as to whom he should contact to report sexual abuse from the 1960s by a jw pioneer/elder who is now deceased.
(incidentally, there are plenty of people who are still alive and in the organization who were very aware of the circumstances and who can be summoned to give testimony regarding these accusations.
) so, my friend called the zalkin law firm.
Sounds like Zalkin has already had staff increases - WOW! WT lawyers losing their digs (London) and San Diego real estate soaring because of Zalkin. It's like when the original MGM Grand caught on fire in LV -- the big hitter personal injury lawyer counted multi millions in a day and had to lease extra buildings/offices and hire floors of lawyers/staff. Unreal!
I'm so happy the exJWs - PIMOs/whatever have Zalkin to turn to. This is beautiful!
Zalkin's earnings will make law school tuition look like chunk change.
Where now for the UK Society Big Wigs?
by dozy ini see top uk jw lawyer richard cook is finally having to move out of his jw "grace & favour" house , currently for sale for a cool £2.75 million.
Nice digs - is Cook also in private practice or work for WT? I think the majority of WT legal (house counsel team) might have a hard time swimming out there in the real world with the competition. Many can't cut it right out of law school and realize they better find another career. There's always politics -- lol. Guess they'd lose their religion and free board & rent in one fell swoop.
First visit to Kingdom Hall turned out to be a nightmare!
by Atlantis ina first time visit to a kingdom hall turned out to be a nightmare for this young lady.. . .
sorry JW Gone - meant to hit +1 like and hit Dislike and Like 2x. Need sleep. Plz ignore.
JW visitors addicted to
by NVR2L8 inhow things have changed!
a childhood friend and her husband stayed with us for a few days and, except for when we went sightseeing, they spent most of their time on their digital devices viewing and listening to content from jw.borg.
a few years back i recall a stearn warning against the use of such devices at an assembly.
polish clarinet - hahahaha/that's funny! Now that's what I like to hear.
Have Your Relationships Been Affected Because You Were A Jehovah’s Witness?
by minimus ini’m just curious if you think your past life either adversely or positively affected your relationships?.
Oddly enough this particular JW family probably had as much financially - owned comparable homes/cars. There was no reason for her to put down others simply because they weren't JWs (although this is how they feel good about themselves and special being a cult member) and provided a different life for their daughters/sons - altho the stupid cult had rules (silent or otherwise) against anything worthwhile for children/young adults/adults/dogs/cats, etc. They tried shoving their stupid crazy rules down my throat and I made it clear I wasn't their puppet.
In Los Angeles today-Facebook LIVE at 11 am PST. The Zalkin Law Firm has big News Conference
by AndersonsInfo in - facebook live today at 11 am pst.
the zalkin law firm - in la today, big news conference about a childhood sexual abuse survivor filing a lawsuit against the jehovah's witnesses..
Lett the loser! Denying the harm they've done to these poor children and failing to protect the innocent just to keep criminals inside.
WTBTS - You can run, but you can't hide
by The Fall Guy ini apologise if this has been discussed while i was on vacation, but i've just become aware of it.. is the wtbts preparing to avoid losing a fortune, by declaring bankruptcy?.
the cult's scumbags may be about to initiate their own "great tribulation.
They'll take advantage of anything/everything possible to hang onto their power and lifestyle.