She's a beautiful woman -- one class act regardless of photography and in a league of her own.
Posts by LV101
Who Was/Is The Most Beautiful First Lady In USA?
by minimus injackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
Who Was/Is The Most Beautiful First Lady In USA?
by minimus injackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
Isn't she (Melania) partially covered in the "nude" photos? I don't think this is such a big deal -- she is a professional model and we art students have been doing life drawings since the 60s and the models are stark naked. Of course, society expects and places higher expectations of political leaders (or did) but how many of the presidents have done serious cocaine and other drugs - alcohol so not exactly choir boys.
What Is Trump Doing with China now and his supporters that smell like a Walmart?
by RubaDub inisn't trump shooting himself in the foot when he is on the verge of (or already in) a trade war with china?
isn't walmart like 95% chinese stuff?.
won't there be a backlash when many of his supporters that want to upgrade to indoor plumbing see how much it costs with all the tariffs?
President Trump the first president to stand up to China in 50 years -- lots to think about! Even some hard-liner lefts are supporting him -- amazing!
Who Was/Is The Most Beautiful First Lady In USA?
by minimus injackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
You've seen Melania "Nude," yeah, right!! I know -- you just can't prove it, of course.
Our congregation will be deleted
by Rattigan350 inlast night was the co's visit.
prior to his part, an elder had a part on following theocratic direction.
it was about our congregation being deleted (there are 2 sharing this hall) and the people and territory being divided up to the 4 other surrounding ones.. they say it is not about numbers but about making best use of resources.
LongHairGal - it's gone from bad to worse. I was always being hounded yrs. ago in one way or the other. They were poor back then or too lazy to work climbing the WT echelon to fit in with the hard-liner clique. Made me sick. They needed everything from cars to rent money plus taking advantage of every state aid program imaginable but kept it quiet. So much for the scripture if one doesn't work they don't eat. If they did work they expected a week's pay for 2 hrs. of ineptness.
San Francisco authorities go co-co bananas
by LoveUniHateExams inauthorities in sf have decided to 'sanitise' language around criminals.. because, yeah, that's the big problem facing san francisco, not drug abuse, gangs, violence, people crapping in the street or illegal immigrants.
glad to know they've got their priorities sorted.
under this stunning and brave new scheme, a criminal who's served his sentence will be referred to as a 'returning resident who was involved with the justice system'.
Ahh, yes, control the words (language) and change the thoughts - more excuses, minimalizations and denial of the crimes in good ole San Fran all part of a certain political party's game plan (Nancy Pelosi ring a bell and left ring a bell) to change/control the US. Gotta love the Orwellian in play. It's beyond serious and rivaling a third-world country of rats and filth.
I've received reports from liberal contacts working in area who have to walk by this horror to get to work and their families who visit - another attending college who is staying as far away from the worse area as possible.
Our congregation will be deleted
by Rattigan350 inlast night was the co's visit.
prior to his part, an elder had a part on following theocratic direction.
it was about our congregation being deleted (there are 2 sharing this hall) and the people and territory being divided up to the 4 other surrounding ones.. they say it is not about numbers but about making best use of resources.
LongHairGal - Valid points but I it's hard to imagine their business model going bust. Guess it's not as solid as decades ago when people were into religion and no internet reality -- now the possibility of an avalanche of pedophile lawsuits all over the world.
When you refer to the "Needy types" or those who go around at the meetings for handouts -- I had no idea they did this on a regular basis to collect money. I'm sure you had your fill of these slugs. Guess they just expect others to share -- not that anyone would want them to go without shelter/food, medicine, etc., but thought the clergy class took care of this. Guess they ask for handouts only for the prominent (special/power clique) ones or that's how it was here.
CHILD MOLESTATION: How have they been able to hide it for so long?
by Zoos ini was in the organization until 2011. .
i n-e-v-e-r heard of this problem.
not even a whisper.
stillin -- the males having their wrists slapped or skating was all I heard from a couple of older/life-long JW women in the 1980s. As brainwashed as these lifers were it sickened them. I heard the same in the 90s from female lock-steppers. What a pig publishing co.
San Francisco authorities go co-co bananas
by LoveUniHateExams inauthorities in sf have decided to 'sanitise' language around criminals.. because, yeah, that's the big problem facing san francisco, not drug abuse, gangs, violence, people crapping in the street or illegal immigrants.
glad to know they've got their priorities sorted.
under this stunning and brave new scheme, a criminal who's served his sentence will be referred to as a 'returning resident who was involved with the justice system'.
They may be lower in violent crimes but San Francisco rates No 1 in the US for property and all other crimes not considered "violent" -- big deal!
Seattle was addressing their homeless crisis but now citizens have little faith that the government can handle it. It's obviously not as severe as San Francisco/Los Angeles.
CHILD MOLESTATION: How have they been able to hide it for so long?
by Zoos ini was in the organization until 2011. .
i n-e-v-e-r heard of this problem.
not even a whisper.
The "higher power" is the puppet masters in NY - good ole boys lock stepping along. "Jehovah" rhetoric is their cover. There's no conscience or laws followed other than what benefits the cult and that's keep it quiet and keep collecting money -- carry on.