I agree - but think Obama was worth a couple of million - not a multimillionaire.
Wall Street crooks - yeah the country is steeped with them. I don't think the left hated Obama and did some unethical things to conservatives. Opened a lot of eyes -- can't say I trusted him even initially nor thrilled with either party.
This health care is too much -- Obama's plan dismal failure and I'm not saying the private is great. It's actually scary having high end insurance -- medical profession runs on it and one has to be cautious. I know a few people who prefer paying cash - depending, of course. That's not realistic/feasible for the majority so can't be considered. From what I hear (experienced with family member 100 yrs. old) they run on Medicare, also -- don't keep the patient a moment longer than the gov't allotted time and it costs the patient thousands and thousands out of their own pocket to remain in hospital for necessary treatment/care. They ship patients out to rehabs and the Medicare coverage is very limited. After couple of wks. they're paying out of their own funds. It's not great but, of course, Medicaid is different ball game. I'm sure there is limitations at some point or amount but one is not responsible for paying out of their own funds - or have to be concerned because they've no assets. It's not about one's health/welfare -- it's a structured program -- regardless, I'm sure Medicaid is more lenient -- or so I've been told. Many people fraud the gov't and transfer assets to use Medicaid - investigations can go back a few yrs. to confirm - if they're initiated.
Nursing homes same structure. Many who've worked full time/hard and gone without to invest, save (not like JWs who think working a 35-40 hr. work week is big deal) and have something pay huge amounts - those who have nothing get a free ride - in many cases they legitimately need help and tried to work and provide for themselves - not always!