"Mexicans Always Get Across." Hilarious.
Posts by LV101
Do You Think People Should Be Scorned For Wearing A Red MAGA Hat?
by minimus indo you support free choice to wear a political hat or article of clothing?
if someone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car in support of a political candidate or party, should they be able to do it without fear of being maligned or abused?
Do You Think People Should Be Scorned For Wearing A Red MAGA Hat?
by minimus indo you support free choice to wear a political hat or article of clothing?
if someone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car in support of a political candidate or party, should they be able to do it without fear of being maligned or abused?
Do they "love this country as much as we do." Maybe they do but just want a different type of country or globalism.
The political corruption is off the rails and I don't think can be cleaned up - both sides. When the politicians who profess to love this country work for nothing and don't expect security/free medical until they expire or leave office as multi-millionaires ++ I'll believe it.
I was surprised today by what I saw a JW driving
by days of future passed ini was out thrift shopping where my sister lives.
before i went in to the store, i went to donut shop a few doors down.
as i walked up, there by the window was a family and others eating donuts.
LHG - I heard that nonsense, too. Also, going along with the anti-education stance when their spouses were educated professionals. I heard of one professional who wouldn't lie to the teens and encouraged higher education -- very rare/honest, good man.
I think if you'd been married to an elder you could have skated a bit working full time and they would've been kinder about your career. My friend (ex witness married to elder -- they were both highly educated and the JWs idolized him and looked down on her for her college degree but that's just the JW chauvinistic-pig beliefs on steroids) worked full time and had no intention of not working. She loved working and is still going strong. I knew a few others that may have called it 'part-time' to fly under the radar but I think it was full time. They know how to work the cult system.
Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Alive and Well
by minimus ini was on facebook and a person i have known for a long time posted how trump is mentally ill and is truly a psychopath.
a couple of her friends chimed in when i suggested that perhaps the fb friend was really the psychopath.
a couple of her friends began to defend her but i was surprised by how many people defended the president!
Nixon was a choir boy in comparison to the criminal acts committed under the US justice system (Obama/Clinton/Comey just to name a few) and the Russian Dossier.
FDR was quite the crook, also -- the Dems' god but I'll stop there.
Odd when non-Trump haters make comments they're considered angry -- last I checked we're not out there physically or verbally abusing anyone. Many of us have certainly experienced it from the Dems by not doing anything -- get the facts. There's a lot of vitriol on this board from the left - WOW! They can't agree to anything for the pro-Trump people -- even though they're side (when more civil or the physical abuse wasn't so prevalent) enjoyed wearing/sporting/commenting their party's victory and positives. Never before in history have such atrocities been committed against a President of the US - fact -- or against those who voted for him.
Do You Think People Should Be Scorned For Wearing A Red MAGA Hat?
by minimus indo you support free choice to wear a political hat or article of clothing?
if someone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car in support of a political candidate or party, should they be able to do it without fear of being maligned or abused?
redcap2000 - exactly -- and same thing for all those frumpy Ole Hil/Obama political items. They didn't even care about some of the country's best military working for them. No one was physically or verbally attacked wearing/displaying promotional items -- what a dichotomy today.
Ole Hil cares nothing about women -- her campaign paid the male employees much more than the females and hawked off US uranium which far too many women need to treat/fight breast cancer and other forms of cancer. She had to pad her pockets. Political lifers enriching themselves off their careers.
sparky1 -- how can people support a party that is confrontational and physically abusive -- even encouraging it's base to be uncivil/uncultured.
Do You Think People Should Be Scorned For Wearing A Red MAGA Hat?
by minimus indo you support free choice to wear a political hat or article of clothing?
if someone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car in support of a political candidate or party, should they be able to do it without fear of being maligned or abused?
YEP - I hear ya and never have worn political items myself in past (or opened my mouth in public - I've still been verbally attacked in art group settings more than once by not participating in their strong political opinions and another human merely discussing her views to me - that's radically wrong. I actually lie low even in social settings (dinners) with other couples, but when I have an opportunity in venue without being harmed (big assumption today) I take advantage of it. Hopefully, there's no dictator-thugs hanging around the assisted/memory care facility and I enjoy the Vets and special events on their behalf. I can't believe what human beings have encouraged/promoted in this country - it's sickening especially to many who have never been strong right or left.
Everyone is clearly entitled to their own opinions and it's good to be able to discuss and learn from one another. I thought I was quite liberal - WOW - still upset about Viet Nam and my cousins.
Do You Think People Should Be Scorned For Wearing A Red MAGA Hat?
by minimus indo you support free choice to wear a political hat or article of clothing?
if someone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car in support of a political candidate or party, should they be able to do it without fear of being maligned or abused?
Why not enjoy wearing (if any venues exist that are safe from dictators/left extremists - obviously caps can't be worn fashionably other than very casual/mundane attire) if one feels so inclined. Who needs the approval and fashion advice of others. I 'heard' no one criticizing/physically harming anyone wearing Obama/Ole Hil paraphernalia -- forever pink Hil t-shirts and I've friends who still wear them but around the house -- fortunately. Many were shunned by the Obama worshippers --even while remaining silent and undecided Dems! Quite a training program re/attack&shut down anyone not ra ra for their candidate and quite eye opening.
Video-Man in Field Service asks to speak to a woman's 15-year old Daughter
by TakeOffTheCrown inhas anyone seen this video of a man out in field service asking a woman if he can speak to her 15 year old daughter by name?
it is rather disturbing.. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/mom-confronts-stranger-asking-to-see-her-daughter/983338603.
the link takes you directly to the news station.
I doubt JWs care to mention what religion they're affiliated with at the door (I've heard this more than a few times - word is out re/the cult) so doors won't be slammed immediately, and they aren't going to blow a potential study/convert revealing the daughter's possible interest in the religion. I don't like the JW's aggressive behavior re/the mother's phone but he could be upset/angry in the event the daughter lied and put him in this negative situation and now he's dealing with a big issue. Regardless - he's the adult and she is just a young girl -- he could have used self control and conducted himself in a cultured way or just lost it if the mother was accusational, crazy/whatever.
I commend the parents being protective of their daughter especially if aware of the WT cult. They've hurt/scarred too many innocent people and haven't cared a bit about the victims or their welfare.
News from Bethel Heavy
by cinnamon1642 inpioneer hour change is legit.
letters are being mailed out soon to all congregations for announcement in early october right before the tract campaign starts.. .
elimination of circuit overseers.
"when he admitted" so they must have caught him or found his "porn contraband?" Cleaning crews probably spy around on the residents.
I was surprised today by what I saw a JW driving
by days of future passed ini was out thrift shopping where my sister lives.
before i went in to the store, i went to donut shop a few doors down.
as i walked up, there by the window was a family and others eating donuts.
rickroll - You are right re/the "leftist liberal hippie cult type." However, these were far from educated elitists other than the 'same as college education reading the WT rhetoric'. The left wasn't so 'elitist' nor 'academically credentialed' back then. There are a few here but they snubbed anyone not in same economic circle of poverty and lived in gov't housing when they could have afforded to pay for normal housing. Taking advantage of dirt cheap situations and wouldn't budge.