Covid is killing many elderly in red states -- no hydroxychloroquine allowed unless one is a politician. It's the Dems perfect (out of the clear blue sky) storm! All the Dem politicians in NV are taking it and have throughout the Chi Com/Dem Covid 19 storm and the governor had 2 scripts filled at Walgreens when he 'thinks' he was exposed. The prisoners here were allowed the HXL, also. Of course, millions of weed money miraculously vanished but he refused to do a state-accounting - hahahah. It's only millions and that's chunk change for him and since it's a cash biz - oh well! He also ordered 2 new jets from Switzerland - I'm not sure if they belong to him personally or belong to the state.
Previous administration by most corrupt president in the history of the country Obozo didn't leave the health facilities in the US equipped, RESTOCKED, SUPPLIED, with one extra surgical glove! In fact, most hospitals were begging for personal supplies mos before COVID 19. No vents, masks, gloves. Personnel in NY hospitals had been silenced when begging for supplies before COVID 19 or before the masses knew of the outbreak. He left office with tens of millions of dollars and was able to fleece the country of billions in cash to Iran -- how many other Muslim buddies received plane loads of cash! We know Russia was certainly well taken care of by Ole Hil/Obozo. The world knows it.
I admit - Obama knows mobster rule and how to be a crook thus his great VP pick/relationship with Biden.