Per Dr Yeadon they nixed off thousands and thousands of retired seniors aiding pension/retirements funds. This is also what happened with the miracle social security kill off drug, Vioxx. Vioxx dubbed the 'save social security' med.
Posts by LV101
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Info on the Highwire (Del Bigtree/Jefferey Jaxen, Investigative Journalist) - Del has been involved for quite some time along with Robert F. Kennedy re/harmful vaccinations (children): "Internal CDC Documents reveal that this group of private corporations (yes..the CDC is a group of private corporations) expected --- in Advance! --- and then saw record number of serious adverse events and deaths from the Covid quackccines yet told the public precisely the opposite from the beginning." "[From these contracts] they're expecting 700% more reports during this time for COVID and they said 5% [historically] were serious...[but now we're] expecting about 40%, so what did they know??"
From Del Bigtree's
Enjoy your beef and chicken -- RNA added to these proteins this month. Too many people shying away from the "quackccines" so they're adding to foods. As Dr. Michael Yeadon says the mass kill off isn't fast enough for their planned population goal of 500,000 globally - I find this number hard to believe but it's all been surreal. We Americans expect too much pay, time off, etc., etc., and A-I (along with illegals) and China know how to run the world -- there are way too many of us. Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-Pfizer Chief/UK.
WARNING! If you DELIBERATELY avoid the JW memorial.....
by BoogerMan will experience a fate worse than death!
you have been warned - don't come crying to me if you don't go.
you've got one month to change your mind.
That's funny "ratcheted Fear up" which is most likely the case. I never hear one peep re/Memorial but they're probably desperate pushing the boundaries. Wasn't it old poster here who use to call it the 'Reject Jesus Party.' Think that's what 'Outlaw' dubbed it.
The fool hath said "There is NO God"
by JW Answers inthe bible says, that those who say 'there is no god' are fools.. april fools day yesterday, showed that people can be fools for believing something that did not happen.
yet, the bible says that fools are those who refuse to believe that which is true.. god can still save fools.... feel free to watch the latest short message of hope:.
[drivel removed].
JW Answers -- is the minister an ex-JW? Accent tad challenging but I made it through.
why are we interested in what is going on in the JW
by enoughisenough infor the most of us, we have left the jws...and even though we are no longer jw, many of us are still interested in their beliefs, doctrines and practices as currently practiced.
i was trying to sort out in my mind why i still care about what they are doing.
i think the answer to that is a hope that something will develop in the jws that will wake up a lot of others, and selfishly, a lot of my friends.
Ooops -- sorry/see this thread stopped 4 days ago -- I hit 'Cancel' once I realized 🤪 but didn't work!
"why are we interested" -- simple: Hopium -- I hope they crash and burn/payback su_ks. I'm not counting on it but let the show begin. Please share the best YouTube links for my hopium fix/thanks.
Prediction of Watchtower in a Few Years
by Foolednomore inkingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
Cult would need strong IV drip of Midazolam to doxx off the old dogs and the new clones unless really losing billions to implement main stream 'hip' movement -- they rely on fact there's never a shortage of hurting humans for recruitment. If fall out is huge change will be inevitable but there's still a heavy load on members compared to religions people enjoy and are proud to be a member of. How many JWs hide the fact they're a member of the WT -- it was embarrassing and shocking for them yrs. ago (it was obvious) and I can only imagine today.
Prediction of Watchtower in a Few Years
by Foolednomore inkingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
WT didn't seem too concerned about their figures demanding adherents to have the frankenjabs -- it's a slow kill so many will carry on a few yrs -- hopefully!
There's a state of crisis constantly keeping the populace in state of fear which might help the JW door knockers and WT stats -- many people work from home today and no one knows how rattled one might become and grasp on to any 'good' news (hopium) offered. One scary world.
Jw shot and killed in field service!
by nowwhat? inanother example of jehovah protects his people except when he doesn't.
Borg doesn't give a care about how many JW salesmen are harmed/lose their lives. All they care about is recruits for assets. Very sad -- dangerous times for delusional JWs following cult orders. Illegals entering from every direction and the cult focused on potential growth/chunk change of gullible, suffering, humans in the field.
Crime so out of control many residents are prepared to protect themselves and feel they must stay locked and loaded at all times -- women also feel this way.
mentally ill/delusional or con artist?
by enoughisenough inmaybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
I'm going with "con artist," charlatans, liars -- I'll stop there.
Flu is finally back in Scotland - after its 2 year holiday!
by BoogerMan inthe little demon went totally awol for 3 winters, 2019 - 2021, but now it's back with a vengeance: .
"the first minister turns to the "extraordinary levels of winter flu.
Oh my - tried to edit but got busy here and missed the open time frame. Wouldn't be the first time they've used humans to experiment on.