LoveUni - We pay the majority of big pharma costs worldwide. I agree with you and LHG and want no one going hungry/suffering -- the bleeding heart side -- and they should not considering what responsible, hard-working, Americans pay.
Posts by LV101
American Healthcare: How your system works
by Diogenesister incanada has universal healthcare.
the consensus is that america never will.
can anyone explain why, please?
American Healthcare: How your system works
by Diogenesister incanada has universal healthcare.
the consensus is that america never will.
can anyone explain why, please?
AGREE ^^^ re/class distinctions/caste system in US - definitely the few in top echelon controlling the mass wealth.
American Healthcare: How your system works
by Diogenesister incanada has universal healthcare.
the consensus is that america never will.
can anyone explain why, please?
Yes, we all know the percentages of those paying the taxes and should pay the most. The 'right' contributes more charity/donation wise than the left -- and I'm not a right-r! I don't know anyone on the right (or left) who gripes about contributing to the disadvantaged/sick and those who can't afford food/housing/education, medical, whatever, but the distribution to those in need seems to be radically wrong. When children are living in cars, tents, leaving school hungry clinging to teachers/staff to stay at school, something is radically wrong in this 'rich' country. Of course, it was beyond pathetic during the 8 yr. Great Recession -- I'm not referring/pointing fingers to anyone's beloved political gods/affiliations as the mess didn't occur overnight and nothing is fair in life.
American Healthcare: How your system works
by Diogenesister incanada has universal healthcare.
the consensus is that america never will.
can anyone explain why, please?
Whatever 'uniiversal' healthcare provides must not be adequate in Canada -- Canadians keep the high rated doctors in this state over-booked. I think US is quite the social country and if one can't afford medical insurance they go to the county hospitals which have some of the country's renown medical practitioners/educators on staff plus the latest, most expensive, medical technology/equipment - the taxpayers pay.
Those who work in this country pay for those who can't or won't.
New Documentary The Great Awakening
by Rijk inperhaps you are already aware.. coming saturday 3 june a new documentary.. the great awakening..
at the moment i am distributing this document to elders worldwide:
The conspiracists have been right re/the vaccines -- most important subject thus far.
DISSOCIATION - Based on Covid 19
by gavindlt indear friends,.
i think you all know me as a person who has always strived, despite my imperfections to only ever wanting to be and remain in the “truth”.
it is in fact what i so desperately want for my son ashton and my baby girl honey bee, to be lovers of truth and grow up to be a loyal servants of jehovah god and his son, jesus christ.
Religions were paid monies for adherents vaccinations -- the info is out there. Plus, it could be a real financial plus collecting on wills/trusts that elderly have bequeathed to WT and they don't have to wait w/so many deaths.
New Documentary The Great Awakening
by Rijk inperhaps you are already aware.. coming saturday 3 june a new documentary.. the great awakening..
at the moment i am distributing this document to elders worldwide:
Riijk - Thanks for links -- the Highwire (Del Bigtree - producer of the show 'Doctors' etc., and involved with RFK re/children's vaccine horrors, has great info/clips but I don't see them limited time on Telegram these days.
I'll read rest of your topic later when awake - per gavindit ^^ my condolences for loss of your wife.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Greg Hunter - USA - great video entitled 'CV19 Bioweapon Catastrophe is Murder - Dr. Pierre Kory / Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog.' Oh my -- receive some of his videos as a subscriber (free) and he has great guests. Just google and it comes right up w/Dr. Kory of (medical group) and Greg Hunter - video below on page.
1290 JW Congregations have been deleted since 4th Dec 2022
by ComingOutaMyCage in
1290 jw congregations have been deleted since 4th dec 2022. i have a full map so you can explore active/deleted congs, and also orphaned halls
many of the deletions in the usa appear to be foreign language groups.
Thanks, TonusOH. If they're inactive congs they must be in holding pattern to be sold or repaired for sale. Time will tell.
My old congregation is being shuttered
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini just found out from my jehovah's witness cousin that my old congregation is being shuttered due to lack of elders, less than 20 members attending, and that the congregation cannot meet their monthly expenses.. here is a congregation that was started in 1975 with less than 15 members.
it grew to 185 members in the 1990's.
the congregation grew so large that the elders decided to split the congregation in two.
looks like jwfacts and more pops up -- public info. I'll check it out.