Great points - as Scenic Viewer says you don't have to do this/that the other. No one makes positive statements about the religion but quite the opposite. It's one embarrassing tax-free entity that expects its adherents to not only serve full time at the expense of neglecting family, career, or pursuing a balanced, normal, life plus die per their non-educated/non-medical interpretations re/life-saving medical. Maybe they've softened up on this but the world knows and will never forget. Who would actually be a member (unless forced re/family) after a click on the internet. People must be fleeing or dying off, few recruits and they're desperate. Totalitarians/authoritarians do not relinquish power unless forced and money must be tight.
Much continuing success to the attorneys representing the victims of pedophilia/abuse cases -- the true heroes along with Barbara Anderson and any/all helping her.