GO Norway. Best of luck litigating this horror.
Posts by LV101
Shaking Down Satan - WT Sues Norway
by Sea Breeze ini wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
Is The GB Paranoid? And Should They Be?
by NotFormer inthe gb seems to have a bunker mentality, that they are special, and that the world is out to get them, so they tend to keep within their tightly controlled, protective environment.
bottlegate proved that there is some danger outside of the rarified atmosphere of their echo chamber; you never know when a camera might be trained on you, or that someone might recognise you as being something more than plain old "joe citizen".
further, tm3's new address was quickly found and distributed, and (as i understand it) someone drove to his gated community to tell the security guard that tm3's "ass is grass".
Paranoid re/safety perhaps but the power/control over the adherents is the aphrodisiac that increases their arrogance. The oppulent, luxurious, lifestyle, compensates for any negatives. -
News Documentary: No Witnesses: Claims of abuse and denial in a religious sect
by Tahoe inhttps://northernontario.ctvnews.ca/video/c2842685-w5--no-witnesses?playlistid=1.3856158 .
investigative journalist avery haines.
Thanks for the link -- excellent investigative journalist but I can't watch it all at one time -- oh my. I'll finish tomorrow. I hope all members on this board click and view.
No wonder many people want nothing to do with organized religion.
Encouraging scriptures for the day
by Kosonen inhello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
Kosonen - 'love' must be one of the many fruitages of the spirit and per a WT journal decades ago - (Galatians?) we don't necessarily possess them all on our own. So praying/effort required - effort for sure.
50 pages - WOW!
Oops - just noticed lots are listed above in 1 Peter -- just catching up.
Why disfellowship must be eliminated for the survival of the WT itself
by TheScientist inthis topic i digress about why the watchtower relaxing the rules of disfellowship is essential for its survival.
many things i'm going to say are not my ideas, some are, the point is, i'm condensing everything in a logical and concise way.. the first thing we have to keep in mind is that the wt's main objective in instituting disfellowship has always been not to lose members because of the damage that a dissident could do, or to avoid gaining new members because of the bad reputation of a confessed sinner in the his/her region.
in the end, the more active members, the more money to the coffers.. in this case of disfellowship due to apostasy, to avoid any spark, texts were sought out of context that even prohibited saying "hi".
They've no choice it's either change or the fallout continues. After all word from active JWs for past decade++ has been all positive/syrupy and how it's different now than decade ago bla bla. Hilarious! Now hearing from friend who returned to the fold how loving and friendly everyone is -- well, sure, she's signed back up and not occasionally dropping by for a public talk dressed to 9s in her designer pantsuit (job required attire to race on to work) being shunned for breaking dress code (never DF'd nor did anything to be disfellowshipped on the outside) as the previous few yrs., but NOW is decked out in required country-pumpkin' dresses. All old people as members w/only couple older kids who've no choice but to attend. To date same rules/regs.
Why disfellowship must be eliminated for the survival of the WT itself
by TheScientist inthis topic i digress about why the watchtower relaxing the rules of disfellowship is essential for its survival.
many things i'm going to say are not my ideas, some are, the point is, i'm condensing everything in a logical and concise way.. the first thing we have to keep in mind is that the wt's main objective in instituting disfellowship has always been not to lose members because of the damage that a dissident could do, or to avoid gaining new members because of the bad reputation of a confessed sinner in the his/her region.
in the end, the more active members, the more money to the coffers.. in this case of disfellowship due to apostasy, to avoid any spark, texts were sought out of context that even prohibited saying "hi".
Sounds like a Happy New Year already per the above WT survival comments. Although I can't wait for the next desperate business maneuver, I remain skeptical re/its demise. Hopefully, we'll have hopium flowing of WT fallout leaks monthly -- sounds too good to be true and we all know that drama, but has and is happening to other religions.
I think they're begging or in process of scooping up as many estates of adherents as possible -- after all they've mandated "vaccinations" and "boosters" to keep their stream of chunk change forthcoming. Quite lucrative for WT if religions were paid to promote/mandate this horror plus collect on adherents' estates quickly. What a business scheme - 'why wait when we can skate!'
by Teddnzo ineven elders can be part of the new jw lite brigade these days.
they don’t need to go on door to door anymore and there is no requirement for anything really.. taking meeting parts is all dead easy you could turn up on the day with zero preparation because it’s all in the meeting workbook.. quarterly elders meetings are just old men having a good old natter just like old men do down the pub.. congregations could be likened to pubs or bars these days just without the drinks, those come at other times.. no need for territory maps, these almost went away with covid letter writing now they are extremely slow getting finished as those who still go door to door only do ten mins.. you could even voice your questions these days about things the gb say and then just say “we can’t be dogmatic we just don’t know”.
i predict they will say this about 1914 soon..
I think if they knock off the totalitarianism/authoritarianism people would stay (maybe even normals join up but would take yrs. of overhauling the psycho cult) and throw more into the collection box. Many Catholic friends/fam members (and mainstream members) love their religion and have expressed they do what they want. We all want what we want (fact) and ethics/morals are a personal matter. WT cares less what type of adherents are on zoom or taking up space in halls as long as they seize money/assets and recruit. Bus 101 - bodies equal $$/assets.
Encouraging scriptures for the day
by Kosonen inhello my friends,.
here are some encouraging scriptures for the day:.
revelation 21:2 i also saw the holy city, new jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from god and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. hebrews 11:10 for he (abraham) was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is god.. revelation 21:24 and the nations will walk by means of its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.. revelation 22:1 and he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of god and of the lamb 2 down the middle of its main street (of the holy city).
Pi Schmi - Excellent! Hope questioning JWs read your post/info. Thanks for the share.
Hip replacement on Monday. Wish me luck.
by GrreatTeacher inas the title says i'm having a total hip replacement on monday.
the pain has grown over the years and now i'm using a cane to walk.
after steroid injections and physical therapy, it was decided that a total hip replacement is appropriate.
I'm glad you're home and sounds like you're making great progress. Speedy recovery for that painfree, enjoyable, life.
Merry Christmas
by jhine inso for those amongst us who celebrate the season .
merry christmas everyone.
.. jan from tam .
Merry Merry Christmas to all.