dawkins just became one of my FAVs and i'll definitely buy his books now.
Posts by LV101
Like him or not, Richard Dawkins is helping spread the word about JWs
by Franklin Massey inhttp://richarddawkins.net/articles/643264-war-of-words-breaks-out-among-jehovah-s-witnesses.
Independent Article-Link
by stuckinamovement inhttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/war-of-words-breaks-out-among-jehovahs-witnesses-2361448.html.
hopefully someone will point out this Fenton is lying and they are pros at it. they're always lying using this same line that it's up to the individual witness. the individual witness has no rights and are afraid of being shunned/excluded/marked.
and what does "AG" stand for? thanks.
The Independent website down?
by J. Hofer init just stopped working?
did we overuse it?
or did the wt lawyers bribe someone?.
any chance of this article being posted in the US?
White Dove --- I noted positives w/Assembly of God religion. Attended something in highschool w/classmate and they speak in tongues but seemed to have some great youth programs and everyone seemed quite happy and busy w/their own lives. I really know nothing about their dogma/belief system, whatever.
Knew some yrs. ago or maybe they were assembly of god people instead but one worked as a maid a yr. ago or so ---- and it wasn't good. she had so much rage/anger and was quite destructive w/my property --- somehow got bleach on the carpet (stairs) and i assumed it was someone else but she admitted it was probably her. at least she didn't want it pinned on another. she was manipulative/stubborn but admitted she and her mate had been lazy and that's why they had nothing. mentioned several times they'd be moving back to mexico but were here legally. she had beautiful children but said her husband was always having to deal w/her abusive behavior toward them and begged her to stop hitting them.
she was always begging for clothes (men's suits as well as women's clothing) so i'm assuming they have to dress up for their meetings and she didn't let her kids celebrate xmas but at least went to the various charities to pick up free gifts for them. noticed she signed her paychecks over to the preacher of the church (i could not believe this) yet told me about all the free food her family received from the food banks. you cannot believe how poor she was. she always wore a skirt/dress and never slacks/pants so i guess the watchtower is lenient! she was one disordered character.
"Mentally diseased" article to be published in The Independent tomorrow
by cedars inhi everyone.
as a parting gift to you all before i take a much needed break from this forum, i thought you would be pleased to know that the independent, a leading uk newspaper, will be publishing a piece on the "mentally diseased" watchtower article in tomorrow's edition.. i would like to thank everybody who has assisted the journalist, jerome taylor, in his investigation.. best wishes to all of you,.
cedars so sorry you're leaving --- please return asap!
Preparing for war.
by LoneWolf inhi, folks,.
it has been a long time.
i think it's been 8 years since my last post, so most of you don't know me.
Welcome --- glad you're back.
Witnessing to the JW's on my Online Baby Forum
by AwSnap ini did not expect myself to do this, as i usually just stay quiet and mind my own business unless someone approaches me about jw's.
as many of you know, i had a baby a few months ago.
on babycentercommunity, a woman titled a thread "i don't believe in halloween".
Way to go! you will save any potential recruits from the cult with your wisdom/knowledge and history --- this will be interesting, and hope you keep us posted. Proof of progress in the world for mankind thanks to the internet.
My first English Essay for college, I wrote about my experience as a JW.
by JonathanH inso i am in my first semester of college, and i'm really enjoying it.
i am already tired since i work full time in addition to going to school full time, but i will get over that hump eventually.
anyway in my english 101 class our first essay due was to be a personal narrative, 4 pages(ish), in mla format using microsoft word.
You get an A+ from me and you've paid one big price for your freedom. Enjoy!