I shouldn't say "we're bullied" because I'm subject to change parties depending on the crazy going on.
Posts by LV101
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Hey inwantoutnow -- we lived through 8 yrs of your Obama running the country into the ground -- now we're bullied physically and every other way possible - nice! It's sad what the standards are. Why don't you state the facts of your party not your personal preferences -- WOW - there's a concept. I'm liberal, too -- on many points. We should be learning about the best for all here not mad because our party didn't win or we stopped searching for good/fair journalism. Many of us have been and are independents or have supported democrats.
I think you're comment's are silly -- of course you do because you only care about the liberal views. My comments about Obama are facts. He created so many problems for the American people.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Did Obama ever figure out how many states are in the union! Also, important, he doesn't know the proper titles of officers in the military. They need to print everything out for him on the prompter or it's reality time. He reads well.
Mentally ill find a way to kill as we've seen numerous times with the use of knives and vehicles - poisonous gas, etc. If one isn't a political lifer and receive full time security they've no way to protect themselves or their property. The police are too busy - especially now since there's a shortage and a certain administration encouraged division and disrespect for those that protect and serve.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
I think many have gone over the edge re/the illegals. Who trusts Snopes! Might as well trust Olehil&horndogbill.
I remember the pic of the toys Obama gave to Mexico -- it's hard to imagine arming them up against the US citizens but maybe all the cocaine ole Obama did yrs. ago wasn't so good.
France Paris International convention
by keinlezard inhi everyones, .
this weekend the 3 days convention ... .
around 37500 jw and 265 baptized ... 0.7% :) .
polish clarinet - Did they make announcement re/more KHs are to be sold or is that opinion re/the recent track record?
But it's not about the Money
by LevelThePlayingField inmoney was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
So they do have lots of money! Hopefully they have to live on Cayman slush fund soon.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Obama is to blame for everything -- he pushed the envelope turning the country into a third world. He was scrambling for votes his 2nd term - what a joke.
But it's not about the Money
by LevelThePlayingField inmoney was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
lol/VID! Love your opinion - Blondie's too.
International convention Utrecht this weekend
by Gorbatchov infriends,.
in an earlier posting gorby wrote about attending the international convention in utrecht this weekend, to keep the family happy and make some observations.. guests were gb member jackson and his assistent van der zande, a dutch helper of the gb.. 42.000+ attenders and +/- 250 baptisers.. the convention theme about "love" was not bad at all, from a christian viewpoint.. jackson and van der zande made a good presentation with humor.. the colorfull witness from arround the word were nice and nice to see.. typical witness doctrine about 1914, king of the north, being obient when your kingdom hall will be sold etcetera were hard to listen to.. but the love theme was not bad, and sometimes oké.. i see a transformation to an evangelical kind of tv church.. ifthe typical jw doctrine about years, endtime, education, blood and armageddon would be downplayed, gorby could see some positive side of jw-ism.. mainpoint is that jw try to show love but on a forced base, because they are told to do so.. but, not a bad convention, and a good, humble part of jackson and van der zande, did not expect this.. i write some positive because it is, what it is.. see your opinion.. gorby.
Maybe they've decided to appreciate the numbers game - numbers = shekels. This lovefest convention is different - quite a contrast from hearing (elder nonsense) decade ago (I'd been long gone for years) how people wanted to be told (needed a dictator and clueless he was clergy class in one of the top cults of despot leaders) what to do when I mentioned the great growth of the Pentecostals around the world -- like he knew anything about the group or was an expert on the sect.
But it's not about the Money
by LevelThePlayingField inmoney was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
I believe - iwantoutnow. Nothing is impossible re/business but it's unimaginable the cult's business model failing - money for nuthin.