The 8 Goon Squad wouldn't know how to help the JWs integrate/coalesce into society. That'd take some serious therapy.
Posts by LV101
Christian Scientist article - JW parallels
by dozy inan interesting read on the decline of the christian scientists (cs) ..
re jws , from a quackery pseudo medicine / religion standpoints , thankfully the crazier woodworth / rutherford anti vaccination etc inspired medical nonsense was mostly ditched in the 50's and 60's.
the ban on transplants was ditched more recently.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
I agree re/firearm control checks -- more is needed although if someone wants a firearm or weapon they're going to attain some way. The Dayton individual should have not been left with a Swiss Army key-chain knife but he was out on the streets and no lock down for the mentally insane.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Nice term -- "Xenophobic" you sound brainwashed by fake news to me! They have a derogatory term for everyone not buying their crazy socialism/communism. Can't believe I was part of their rhetoric (college kid) at one time. I'm embarrassed.
Many of you have never hired illegals - or at least hundreds of them. Hard to differentiate legal docs from illegal and many are hard-working, family-oriented, lovely, people. Many are not so good just like all races. Maybe you should attain a level of experience in reality world before you label others. Just a thought - pretend it's fake news.
What's amazing is how duped, XJWs, buy into anything without gathering the facts/evidence of politics which is critical, but that's what humans do best - believe what we want to believe and too time consuming to do the work -- there's certainly no journalism left out there on 99.999% of media. It's easier to go along with a party of ole ma/pa kettle but it's not sound. I appreciated many factors of both sides but WOW - it's not easy being gullible, either. Get the facts then judge others and label.
Christian Scientist article - JW parallels
by dozy inan interesting read on the decline of the christian scientists (cs) ..
re jws , from a quackery pseudo medicine / religion standpoints , thankfully the crazier woodworth / rutherford anti vaccination etc inspired medical nonsense was mostly ditched in the 50's and 60's.
the ban on transplants was ditched more recently.
I'm acquaintances with a few CS members (raised in it) from California -- parents were heavily involved in real estate and seems CS members were quite an affluent bunch - like many Scientologists Another wackadoo group - no vaccines, etc., but the girls didn't feel embarrassed about the religion attending school (felt special so brainwashing like JWs in many respects) and the families seemed involved politically.
by truthlover123 ini am not a mathematician, so i have a question -- the dow dropped almost 900 points today due to china devaluing its yuan against the us dollar.
what will the impact be on markets as well as the farmers, steel, etc.?
- this is crazy and as dt is a tariff guy, the country is being devastated by the results.
You're right, nowwhat? This problem re/China should have been faced and dealt with by previous presidents but they were clueless/inept/ and too weak to deal with it and China's economy has been slippery slope for awhile now. Even gamers from here have dealt with it over there. Yes - stocks will survive.
This Year's "Love" Conventions -- The JW Version of "Love-In"
by Room 215 inreports from the locals who attending the recent "love never fails" convention reported little-to-no references to the more brutal jw doctrines, i.e.
no mentions of the blood ban, no mothers refusing to take phone calls from her estranged daughter, no bunkers, etc.... just lots of "warm and fuzzy" videos featuring loads of hugging and tears at places across the globe.
are they getting soft?
They have a long road ahead of 'em to learn about love, kindness, goodness. WT is the antithesis of mainstream Christianity. -
Brothers Saying PIMO Things In Talks
by APieceOfShitNamedTate ini've been paying very close attention to talks ever since waking up.
i probably pay more attention now than i ever did while i was sleeping.
anyway, i think there are a lot of brothers who are awake, and they try their best to go against the grain while up on that stage.
APOSNT - the term, "black and white" thinking was thrown around yrs ago by an elder's wife re/some elders. However, I agree and things said seem different from the dark ages.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Well that must be the way to go then -- since you've not had any issues the rest of the country is just fine.
There have been 4,000 US citizens killed by illegal immigrants - 4,000! This doesn't include all the other crimes like rape, torture, etc. Just because you see no need to have the right to protect yourself doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way.
False security -- WOW - are you delusional! I know people who've protected themselves - even elderly ones.
Maybe it's wise for those unaware to talk to professionals - like ex FBI agents, police, security guards, etc.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Is truth or facts ever revealed on liberal news stations -- they don't report the 50+ killed in Chicago over the weekend - now St. Louis is on the same killing spree. What about those innocent people! How about Baltimore - more deaths. What the liberals have done to the African-American families - unbelievable - rewarding family breakdowns. All cultural problems.
BTW - seems one of the shooters was a strong leftist - seriously deranged since highshool but the left media isn't covering much about Dayton. There have been many shootings the past decade and no one blames the left but they sure play the blame game - nothing new.
White supremacists are psychopaths but Antifa - anti-fascism alright and funded by leftists. The liberal cities are horror - LA/San Francisco. All the left media cares about is spewing hatred toward President Trump for their own ideology/political gain.
If you're not an elite or a politician you better have a way of protecting yourself - they aren't going to protect you. No one needs serious firearms but one needs protection.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
They've got to correct these roadblocks on universal background checks (along with these unnecessary firearms) -- data bases prevent critical info being released. This is bi-partisan - the bump stock (after the LV horror shooting) and the 2017 Fix NICS Act. It's going to require serious change.
Sounds like both of these criminals were ready to die - this hasn't been confirmed by more than one medical expert (as far as I know) but sounds like they were both suicidal. Not that they all are. It was known the Dayton shooter needed help - mental health laws must change as well as gun laws. These corporations need more security to protect people.