Sounds awesome - pics would be great!
Posts by LV101
Three Billboards of anti jw message
by zeb ini saw a mention of this.
in the us someone funded three billboards telling ttat it seems.. does anyone have a picture of these billboards please?.
Patterson renovation—new donation boxes
by careful inover at reddit a post has appeared stating that a letter was read at this week's clam meeting announcing renovation work at the patterson compound, er, site:.
does it strike anyone as odd that at a time of pretty extreme belt-tightening the gb is undertaking another costly building project?
hahahahah -- "Fixing it up to sell it!" Let's hope! -
JW Broadcast For August
by APieceOfShitNamedTate inokay i'll admit that what i'm about to ask is a little silly.
this is the kind of stuff that crosses over into tinfoil hat territory, but you can't help but notice it.. did anyone else see gary breaux in this month's broadcast doing that weird "hand diamond" thing over his bible?
he was also wearing a pinky ring.
Do the rings have a star kind of shape -- amazon has some called the Retro Evil Satanist ring -- it's a star shape and classified as an occult ring -- doubt it's their club.
JW Broadcast For August
by APieceOfShitNamedTate inokay i'll admit that what i'm about to ask is a little silly.
this is the kind of stuff that crosses over into tinfoil hat territory, but you can't help but notice it.. did anyone else see gary breaux in this month's broadcast doing that weird "hand diamond" thing over his bible?
he was also wearing a pinky ring.
Is it to look like new age religion or into the occult type thing - they're so weird who would ever imagine a new level of crazy. Maybe they were advised by their marketing teams to use all these strange signs and rings to look special - to entice people in.
They are a secret club - might just be their good luck jewelry and hand signs of the other world.
JW Broadcast For August
by APieceOfShitNamedTate inokay i'll admit that what i'm about to ask is a little silly.
this is the kind of stuff that crosses over into tinfoil hat territory, but you can't help but notice it.. did anyone else see gary breaux in this month's broadcast doing that weird "hand diamond" thing over his bible?
he was also wearing a pinky ring.
I don't know about the masons but the Shriners do incredible charity/healthcare work on behalf of children. They hold golf tournaments with popular stars - Justin Timberlake was their celeb here few yrs. ago and I think he's still involved with them. They have children's hospitals throughout the US and are affiliated with attorneys and renown doctors/surgeons that donate their time for the healthcare needs regardless of the family's income. They send medical specialists into states quarterly that don't have a Shriner hospital and I'm sure pay for families expenses to travel to their hospitals. They know how to raise money, get the job done and have great socials for members.
There's no way in hell that WT is any way affiliated or connected to Shriners who are magnanimous men doing so much good for children.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
Since you have "xenophobic" on the brain you must be like Obama -- the most prejudiced (against whites) and anti-Semitic president in the history of the country. He sure hung around antis -- seems to be your side of the fence. How about ole Louis Farrakhan - living proof. How about his church in downtown Chicago -- now that's because of their love for this country and G__ D___ America and the chickens have come home to roost. Wow - now there's a leader in training.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
How about Bernie Sanders -- is he responsible for his supporter firing firearm at Republican baseball field and shooting four and seriously injuring Steve Scalise and yet you didn't hear one conservative pundent or one congressman play the dirty blame game like the desperate left fake news.
This Year's "Love" Conventions -- The JW Version of "Love-In"
by Room 215 inreports from the locals who attending the recent "love never fails" convention reported little-to-no references to the more brutal jw doctrines, i.e.
no mentions of the blood ban, no mothers refusing to take phone calls from her estranged daughter, no bunkers, etc.... just lots of "warm and fuzzy" videos featuring loads of hugging and tears at places across the globe.
are they getting soft?
I don't care what they do but hope they let go of the crazy and not kill (blood doctrines) or destroy/hurt any more children/adults/their families/dogs/whatever. Very destructive and dangerous cult!!
I hope the word spreads like fire about them and the nickel-chemical high rises they imbibe in are turned into homeless shelters - I'd contribute once confirmed toxic waste removed including the 8 Goons.
Christian Scientist article - JW parallels
by dozy inan interesting read on the decline of the christian scientists (cs) ..
re jws , from a quackery pseudo medicine / religion standpoints , thankfully the crazier woodworth / rutherford anti vaccination etc inspired medical nonsense was mostly ditched in the 50's and 60's.
the ban on transplants was ditched more recently.
The 8 Goon Squad wouldn't know how to help the JWs integrate/coalesce into society. That'd take some serious therapy.
Do You Think Trump Bares Any Responsibility For The Mass Shootings Occuring?
by minimus inwhen any mass shooting happens is it the president’s fault?
i’m talking over the last few decades..
I agree re/firearm control checks -- more is needed although if someone wants a firearm or weapon they're going to attain some way. The Dayton individual should have not been left with a Swiss Army key-chain knife but he was out on the streets and no lock down for the mentally insane.