Learn a new word - WOW! President Trump has more hispanics on his side -- legal immigrants are adamant about illegal ones - change the laws when socialism is in effect. This racial vomit is nothing but a diversion so people can't concentrate on the wonderful economy. Nothing stays the same forever -- thankfully as slow as Obama's 8 yrs. (4 lucky ones) dragged on and on as the country sunk lower and lower.
The left's brain has left the station.
Why do you love all the Americans being killed by illegals so much - interesting. Thousands die monthly over the illegal drugs coming in from Central America - no big deal to liberals. They want socialism -- isn't this really about Obama's promise to redistribute wealth so those who prefer to slack a tad here/there can reap other's success. Most people are so envious of wealth and success - fact! They want it but not bad enough to work extra. Everyone wants and will do anything to get wealth the easy way.