Giordano - love your interacting with Blacks in your hall. There were so few in hall we attended but good people - wanted their kids to have strong education and were strict parents (they were raised that way themselves before becoming JWs and parents were a mixed marriage). One of my best friends in junior high was a nice, beautiful, black, girl. So reserved and sweet - I loved her over all the caucasians and was so thrilled we'd be attending same high school. I think there were only a couple (if that) other black students and after couple days she transferred out. Lost contact with her - I've searched for her and gave up. What a place she holds in my heart - I might have to search again.
Posts by LV101
What’s your favourite memory?
by Theonlyoneleft inhi guys and girlies, .
since i’ve joined a fortnight ago or so, i have reading all sort of posts, some recent and some really old!
🙂 i’m really enjoying all of your stories and contributions.
What’s your favourite memory?
by Theonlyoneleft inhi guys and girlies, .
since i’ve joined a fortnight ago or so, i have reading all sort of posts, some recent and some really old!
🙂 i’m really enjoying all of your stories and contributions.
tiki- mine very similar to tiki's post - greatest Grandmother/Grandfather/Aunt - loved my Grandmother's cooking/baking - everything and spent 96% of my childhood there. She would win first prize at the Grange (farmer's country-club) and state fair on her chocolate fudge, cakes and sewing/needlework. Even had a swimming pool but I was taken to church regularly (and shopping every Saturday) with my Beloved Aunt but they had fun events for the kiddos - egg hunts and crafts, etc. They were my beloved family.
Now you don't even have to go to the Kingdom Hall - ALL meetings to be recorded & available on (if you have a password)
by sir82 inlatest boe letter:.
october 22, 2015. to all bodies of eldersre: use of jw stream.
dear brothers:we are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings ofcongregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to jw stream (accessibleat in various languages.
Sorry, The Listener - I hit the 'Dislike' in error. Gads - just ignore -- it was a previously post.
What would happen to your country if you could exchange your president for Trump?
by Wonderment inwhat if we could exchange one president from another country to yours?...
say trump for trudeau, trudeau for trump, trump in exchange for your respective european country, etc -- for a few years?
would you consider it a win or a loss for your country?.
It's terrible having a wealthy president who isn't a Clinton/Obama crook fleecing the government = the taxpayers. Guess too many people don't pay taxes to care one way or the other.
President Trump takes no salary -- he donates the $400,000/yr back to the country's respected causes/charities. Of course $400 K was just chunk change to Obamas/Clintons (probably used the pittance of a salary for Putin's xmas gift) who became multi-millionaires off the system. Better to dwell on wealth of President Trump's father - talk about desperation of the Democrats. Many previous Americans became immensely wealthy without political crooking.
NY Legal Floodgate Opens, Hits Watchtower and Boy Scouts
by GLTirebiter inan article at [known for hard-core catholicism] discusses lawsuits filed against and the bsa as soon as new york's child victims act opened a one-year suspension of the statute of limitations.
the attorney cited in the article, irwin zalkin, has a track record of success against catholic dioceses.. "now most of you have probably heard about priest abuse and clergy abuse within the catholic church," said zalkin.
"but the jehovah's witnesses have been flying a little bit under the radar.".
Newsweek and NY Times = same? I'm not googling to verify because I don't subscribe to NYT.
A warm welcome to the many newbies who have joined and posted these past months .
by smiddy3 init is truly heartwarming to see so many new ones sign up to this site as most of us know it can be quite stressful at first ,because of the indoctrination we have all gone through in going on apostate sites .. the guilt ,paranoia ,fear , apprehension ,even being a judas fear, all unnatural fears put on us by a mind controlling cult.. that wants us to be captives of there religious interpretations about the bible.. however this and other sites like it are the only way we can find out about {the truth about the truth} ttatt.. welcome everybody..
Welcome aboard, Benny. This place is a real refuge and hiding place from the storm (as you've gathered) and lots of reality 101 about religion, science, you name it.
Staying a Jehovah's Witness
by lriddle80 inwhy the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
LongHairGal -- I prefer being shunned when I'm shopping (doing anything) because they know I'm happy and was miserable around them (what little time I forced myself )- ahhh, memories 101! You and I aren't being chased around for handouts - suits me just fine! I prefer to give/spend my money in a worthwhile way.
Have Your Relationships Been Affected Because You Were A Jehovah’s Witness?
by minimus ini’m just curious if you think your past life either adversely or positively affected your relationships?.
Has anyone read the Huffpost article posted by Anderson Info: Wednesday: Silent No More, Part 3? He certainly has a different opinion/analogy than most. Some interesting links under that topic. It's easy to find - Vidiot has bumped it forward.
Wednesday: Silent No More, Part 3 and other links to misc. articles about JWs
by AndersonsInfo inwednesday: silent no more, part 3, the reckoning
article about jws in newsweek
the article is mistaken, the fire was at the big assembly hall.
Ahh, VID - thanks/glad you moved this up as I hadn't read all the links.
Staying a Jehovah's Witness
by lriddle80 inwhy the shunning if someone leaves?
why are they working so hard to keep everyone in?
is it money?
I think a bunch of people have left from the sounds of it but reckon the cult is hangin' on for dear life to the die-hards. Yeah - they certainly need money and lots of money!
So many don't want to walk away from their social club or lose their families, wives, friends, etc., and the rest aren't giving up their delusions/fantasies.