Serious gun laws need to be implemented but you're not going to keep them out of the hands of the criminals. There's plenty of threatening people still running around -- in fact, more than ever! It's not exactly lala land. Why do the politicians have the best of security - live behind tall, private, walls. So far I've not known any law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working, American, going psycho killing anyone and the statistics prove this.
Posts by LV101
Cause of Mass Shootings Mental Health?
by blondie ini have been sad to see so many groups and individuals say that the cause of these events are the mental status of the shooters.
i have looked over the backgrounds of these shooters, and few had medically identified mental health issues.
it is too easy to think that people shoot or kill other people because they are mentally ill.. actually, many or most people with real mental illnesses are most likely to be the victims of others.. i have been a volunteer with the organization called nami (national alliance of mental lillness) for 25 years now.
Cause of Mass Shootings Mental Health?
by blondie ini have been sad to see so many groups and individuals say that the cause of these events are the mental status of the shooters.
i have looked over the backgrounds of these shooters, and few had medically identified mental health issues.
it is too easy to think that people shoot or kill other people because they are mentally ill.. actually, many or most people with real mental illnesses are most likely to be the victims of others.. i have been a volunteer with the organization called nami (national alliance of mental lillness) for 25 years now.
Interesting stats on above link (worldpopulationreview). Out of 37K over 23,000 were suicides. Out of the remaining 14,000+ homicides, only 1/2 of 1% were mass shootings (71). The balance is in weekly shootings and gang violence, etc., in big cities which no one seems to care about - amazing.
A lot of hype about mass shootings -- relying on excuse to confiscate the right to own a gun for self protection - 2nd Amendment be damned! The left would still be proud to provide armed protection/body guards for their leaders.
Friends! (A pain in the ...?)
by Terry infriends?
some friends are like a holiday a favorite pair of shoes the scratching post for kitten fingers to caress some friends can really wear you out with their whinging and their blues yet more or less - not worse than all the rest.
some friends are chatty cherubim and others?
eyeuse2 - you are very fortunate to have true JW friends - don't hear this too often from xjws. Very impressive.
Do You Have ALEXA?
by minimus inwhat’s your opinion of having alexa ?
is it something you would get if you don’t already have it?
I don't think one can have enough security and it's good backup when the great SONOS in sound system goes south. I don't like radios sitting around - looks tacky and the ALEXA can be out of the way. I'm thinking of adding one more for the construction workers upstairs - they love it and don't have to lug there own into my house.
Evolution or Creation Poll
by Vanderhoven7 inevolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
I think we all feel bad when we go off -- unfortunately, after a few minutes we can't hit delete and it all go away -- I missed my time zone re/the political above and realize others need to express their political disgust. We've all been there. Best to learn to bite my tongue when posting, too.
Evolution or Creation Poll
by Vanderhoven7 inevolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
lol/of course, Rolls Royce has always made engines for flying apparatus - all kinds of planes.
Do You Have ALEXA?
by minimus inwhat’s your opinion of having alexa ?
is it something you would get if you don’t already have it?
Yes - it listens all the time but supposedly there are options and detailed lists were recently printed in newspaper how to manipulate/turn them off. If you don't want the recording device on you can control that, etc., etc. I don't know if it actually turns off (trust issue) but Amazon is trying to respect the privacy issue. I plug the power to Alexa in/off - it's a pain because I forget when coming and going when i actually want it plugged in. I like it with construction going on and much of the glass sensors are off and even hard-wired security cameras (exterior) have been in the way, etc.
Don't count on witnessing Watchtower's demise anytime soon.
by Roger Kirkpatrick inthe fact that there are pomi ex-jws who have been disfellowshiped or inactive for years who still live in constant fear of armageddon indicates that watchtower will manage to exist in one way or another for years, if not decades, to come.
watchtower, like all other religious cults, operate on the premise that "you can fool some of the people all of the time...and that's enough!
waton - Vox populi North Korea WT should be interesting. -
Evolution or Creation Poll
by Vanderhoven7 inevolution is how we got here.. demonstrate that you believe that all species evolved from a single cell over/within 3.5 billion years by tapping "like" below.. demonstrate that you believe in special creation by tapping "unlike" below..
Ahh, what a loser comparison when all the country needed was 8 more years of Obama/Clinton/fake/propaganda, unparalleled crime/corruption and DC swamp -- definitely far from bright! Facts/reality a beautiful thang so now let's return to more re/evolution of knowledgable researchers.
Do You Have ALEXA?
by minimus inwhat’s your opinion of having alexa ?
is it something you would get if you don’t already have it?
It's true "robotic-enough way" like Simon says (lolol) because I ask for volume change and half the time sound level goes even louder or shuts off in the middle of a song I like or I ask for certain type music and it pushes a new album and I yell and tell it to stop so it goes dead, fortunately. It can be frustrating. Sometimes it just goes dead on it's own - weird. It must pick up signals outside. I hope it works if elderly ones yell out at home if they fall and need ER help - one poor guy's blood sugar bottomed out (diabetic) and he collapsed on floor unable to yell for help. The home has 2 of these gadgets and neither of them helped in his case but wife checks on him every couple of hrs. and he's still alive. Baby cams probably still most effective.