Yeah - with mail in ballots Ole Hil/Horndog Bill could win but Dems WANT/HAVE TO HAVE ravaged-brain Biden. She doesn't need to win as Pressie - she and Obama are behind the curtain and not certain she's involved like he is - best they leave her on Zoom/Twitter since they can't keep her standing. DEMS will let the Chicago-style corrupt politician Obama run the show along with the deep state.
All will be fine - everyone will have socialized medicine (I'm not against everyone having health coverage but Obama Care certainly didn't cut it for poor people - they couldn't dig up thousands for surgery) and we'll all watch Venezuela 2. We've all witnessed blue states short supply of health care PPE materials and vents - they can't run anything and have been dependent on the fed government - they can't manage money no matter how much they tax the working class slaves.