BelisemDB - WOW! Everyday it's more interesting - oh my! Blocking out the sun - how can life survive! I've been wanting to order one of those lights to use in lieu of having to go outside - one is called a 'Sperti' Vitamin D lamp that emits the Vitamin D levels for those who've issues taking Vitamin D capsules/sensitivities. Lots of problems for some and the medical community were nuking people with mega doses - scripts.
Even in the sunbelt (as you know) doctors recommend OTC Vitamin D as well as write up scripts for mammoth dosages due to low Vitamin D levels. We've been brainwashed for past 50 yrs. re/sun dangers/negatives (sun cancer, withered skin - all true) but we went off the rails and need sunlight - the real thing. Unimaginable what the criminal vaccinator is up to.
I'm ordering the light you've recommended, also. I'm so sick and tired of alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, 409, Clorox spray, Clorox wipes - I'm asphyxiating myself but don't want outside help around for a few more weeks. It's getting to be too much.
I'll read that article after few more hrs. of sleep - thx for info so scary. What next!!