Dems prefer choosing people that have lived off the US taxpayer and are professional politicians - they do nothing for the people and walk away w/multimillions and their constituents are so proud - kind of like the JWs who boast how rich the WT is. Never ceases to amaze me.
They really think the left is going to "redistribute" wealth off the natural resources, the wealthy (per Obama) and have free socialized medicine - (free sounds great to me) but Obama threw seniors under the bus re/any advanced medical treatments. I'm sick of the lobbyists and corporate fraud myself but not too fond of the Dems' ideas of a better America. I'd certainly be open to the positives - trust me.
Unimaginable the COVID 19 infection rate had Pelosi/Biden, the loon DeBlasio, the GOV (killer) of NY would have done re/international travel. Why do Americans pay most all of the medical costs in the world?! Why have we had such horrible contracts with all countries - the US taxpayer has paid it all and we educate all these foreigners - many times off the backs of the US taxpayer and they hate this country. The taxpayer gets stuck paying it all - and these universities that we all pay for. WHY?! I think scholarships are great but what about the students in this country. I've heard int'l students mention they don't have to pay a cent back if they've great grades. Why do American students have to take out loans and pay for the rest of their lives. WTH has been running this country - obviously inept politicians (lifers) on both sides of the aisles.
Oh well -- If President Trump loses thru the mail-in ballot game the leftists are battling for (only way they can win) we'll all enjoy our handouts and can enjoy short hour work days and lots of lattes at the local coffee-Paris-like bakeries -- fine by me - I love those places.