We had a few who 'thought' they were gifted vocalists. Apparently, one was a voice instructor who left area and another couple others were professional. One was from a family of talented folk and another one told me she grew up singing as a child at Radio City -- she had strong voice and could harmonize to block out some of the noise. The entire family 'thought' they were professional level but chose to be JWs, etc., etc. Their father could have been one of the world's greatest musicians, of course. Surely it would have been recognized having been musician for decades!! Eric Clapton was proclaimed world's greatest acoustic (?) guitarist at like age 18, whatever. Unreal the JW power egos.
If I have to hear about Sinatra - between older friends (really old friends🤪) and JWs ever again I'll shoot myself! Ok - he had a decent voice range but he wasn't that unique. I won't even go to a restaurant called Sinatra (Encore/Wynn) and I love Italian food.