Twitter - interesting thread under Texas Kate "Until Proven Otherwise." - @DrAseemMalhotra
Another -- Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID:; not sure this link works: @childcovidvaccineinjuriesuk -- re Prions Disease proof HIV (Glycoprotein 120) was inserted into spike protein
Now CDC has 2 boosters in one jab - not sure approved yet but most likely. Per jabs already taken -- Dr. Tenpenny reports they've found a way to slow kill people w/these jabs so most don't connect the dots. She's been spot on thus far, unfortunately.
Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon "toxic by design" - they're weapons to reduce global population.
Unimaginable horror - better not to have time to read any of this after - 3 yrs. of the night mare.