Info on the Highwire (Del Bigtree/Jefferey Jaxen, Investigative Journalist) - Del has been involved for quite some time along with Robert F. Kennedy re/harmful vaccinations (children): "Internal CDC Documents reveal that this group of private corporations (yes..the CDC is a group of private corporations) expected --- in Advance! --- and then saw record number of serious adverse events and deaths from the Covid quackccines yet told the public precisely the opposite from the beginning." "[From these contracts] they're expecting 700% more reports during this time for COVID and they said 5% [historically] were serious...[but now we're] expecting about 40%, so what did they know??"
From Del Bigtree's
Enjoy your beef and chicken -- RNA added to these proteins this month. Too many people shying away from the "quackccines" so they're adding to foods. As Dr. Michael Yeadon says the mass kill off isn't fast enough for their planned population goal of 500,000 globally - I find this number hard to believe but it's all been surreal. We Americans expect too much pay, time off, etc., etc., and A-I (along with illegals) and China know how to run the world -- there are way too many of us. Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-Pfizer Chief/UK.