"Lookin' for Love in all the Wrong Places" -- Johnny Lee/Urban Cowboy or God/truth whatever the case may be.
Posts by LV101
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
Ahh, Vander where to begin but I'll race through a few aha moments. Comment made in public talk how dangerous it is to rely on your own thinking/understanding -- then why did the creator give out brains. I knew first hand the problems/issues of the irresponsible, dependent, people, and the pecking order of the clique(s). Another comment by an elder in big clique how we go on serving Jehovah no matter if there's an end in sight - yeah when we die must be the end so why should I listen to this muck and be miserable here. The scripture (Matthew?) re/heavy burdens and tired come to Jehovah and felt no peace/rest in this asylum. The scripture re/religious leaders placing heavy loads, burdens, hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew it was all fraudulent.
I witnessed first hand within first few mos the hypocrisy/horror of the flock -- calls for free legal, jobs, (cleaning, yard work, etc., errands and handouts -- everything from wanna be designers/contractors, you name it) and I do admit there was one person who was dependable and took her job serious. Also, some good elders outside of a couple -- only knew on surface level (and that's enough for me) but I never relinquished my own busy social life nor extra curricular activities/college plans for child/nephews regardless of couple of hard-liners' demands. Didn't care what they thought nor did I ban my child/nephews' extra curricular activities. I've never met so many irresponsible people in my life and many can't help the way they've been reared/brainwashed but the conniving misfits (bad guidance from clergy class at the top/Gov Goons and inside leaders. Felt sad for the kids. The religion failed adherents miserably instead of helping them be independent, trust worthy, autonomous, individuals, and to work hard or you don't eat -- that's Rule #1 in my book.
Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze inhere’s a couple good ones: a. jesus said, “come to me and i will give you rest”.. why did jesus command us to go to him and not jehovah?.
why does the bible say that the name of jesus is above every name?
Thanks, Sea Breeze -- news to me/very informative.
Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze inhere’s a couple good ones: a. jesus said, “come to me and i will give you rest”.. why did jesus command us to go to him and not jehovah?.
why does the bible say that the name of jesus is above every name?
Sea Breeze: To be clear you're saying Jesus is manipulating the kings or all his actions today being fulfilled -- WT says Jehovah is allowing or dragging them around w/Kings in power coercing actions (Revelation?). Not 'coercing' but Jehovah technically in power or allowing w/Satan the ruler of this 'system of things' -- been long time hate that ole phrase.
Vanderhoven's scripture in Revelation confirms Jesus in power but Kings of the earth really aren't today?
Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze inhere’s a couple good ones: a. jesus said, “come to me and i will give you rest”.. why did jesus command us to go to him and not jehovah?.
why does the bible say that the name of jesus is above every name?
Sea Breeze -- WOW - thanks for your time re/the list. Very interesting -- think I'll start w/the KJV Easy Reader on your list.
Sorry Sea B -- I didn't realize the other list was the 8 recommended ones🤪 - you're very kind/thx
Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze inhere’s a couple good ones: a. jesus said, “come to me and i will give you rest”.. why did jesus command us to go to him and not jehovah?.
why does the bible say that the name of jesus is above every name?
Sea Breeze -- question: A textus receptus Bible refers to the new testament? I googled (didn't spend time) but Amazon has section appearing to be only the Christian Greek scriptures.
One would need a Bible library and endless hrs.
KGB Agent explains Ideological warfare: Destroy A Nation From The Inside Out
by Diogenesister informer kgb agent yuri mesmenov explains the concept of ideological warfare.
or how to destroy a nation from the inside out - by demoralising them within 20 years.. why 20 years?
because it takes 20 years to educate one generation of students that despite an abundance of information to the contrary, they are unable to come to a sensible conclusion in the best interests of their family, their community and their country and instead embrace the ideology of the enemy.
He may not have reported the day before but he did report this matter -- I recall hearing him but I thought it was after 9-11 and then nothing was reported whether it was located or not.
Joe Rogan should not be reporting krazy without checking out his info -- I clearly get it. I don't believe usatoday on everything regardless and know little about Fact Check but hopefully the facts will be out by more than one or 2 sources at some point.
KGB Agent explains Ideological warfare: Destroy A Nation From The Inside Out
by Diogenesister informer kgb agent yuri mesmenov explains the concept of ideological warfare.
or how to destroy a nation from the inside out - by demoralising them within 20 years.. why 20 years?
because it takes 20 years to educate one generation of students that despite an abundance of information to the contrary, they are unable to come to a sensible conclusion in the best interests of their family, their community and their country and instead embrace the ideology of the enemy.
Here's one more (joe rogan) to those who are into normal media which we're all dependent on (slamming social media vs. 'balanced' journalism/oh my) zuepatoose on Tok. Howie Mandel stunned by multiple news outlets having the same news (propoganda) and facts not checked first on social media.
KGB Agent explains Ideological warfare: Destroy A Nation From The Inside Out
by Diogenesister informer kgb agent yuri mesmenov explains the concept of ideological warfare.
or how to destroy a nation from the inside out - by demoralising them within 20 years.. why 20 years?
because it takes 20 years to educate one generation of students that despite an abundance of information to the contrary, they are unable to come to a sensible conclusion in the best interests of their family, their community and their country and instead embrace the ideology of the enemy.
Cofty -- don't know about the history books but you sound like my husband - think I've learned more past 3 yrs. from Joe Rogan/Telegram which history buffs nor ordinary citizens like hearing about, if factual. No, our history is important! Here's one on Tok (I know - terrible Tok but we've heard this info for at least 3 yrs.) Here's the clip: TheJoeRoganCLIPS on TikTok joe.roganclipz (tiktok.com). 9-11 info the 2.3 trillion missing w/Rummy (Donald Rumsfeld) reporting on media the previous day before Pentagon horror.
Congrats to you&yours on baby❤️ -- greatest/most beautiful gift/have fun.
Christmas Decorations at the Kingdom hall
by Simon ini can't remember if i've told this story before .... but back in the day, in irlam congregation (northwest england, uk, cheshire #1 circuit i think) we used to rent a kingdom hall for many years before we eventually built our own.. preston hall.
ah, the memories .... it was primarily used as a community hall for old folks, but we had it friday night and sunday morning.. there was a loft and fold-out ladder and we used to store the chairs up their.
every meeting, there would be an assembly line of all the "lads" to pass the chairs down and set them up, then collect them up and pass them back up at the end of the meeting.
^^^ These hall decor stories are great!!