The title of the Hinton youtube, "Humanity is just a passing phase to evolutionary intelligence" is up and coming.
Posts by LV101
Top AI inventor Geoffrey Hinton reluctantly concluded that AI will probably humanity fairly soon
by slimboyfat ingeoffrey hinton, major inventor of artificial intelligence: .
“if you take the existential risk seriously, as i now do—i used to think it was way off, but now i think it’s serious, and fairly close—it might be quite sensible to just stop developing these things any further, but i think it’s completely naïve to think that would happen.
there’s no way to make that happen.
Top AI inventor Geoffrey Hinton reluctantly concluded that AI will probably humanity fairly soon
by slimboyfat ingeoffrey hinton, major inventor of artificial intelligence: .
“if you take the existential risk seriously, as i now do—i used to think it was way off, but now i think it’s serious, and fairly close—it might be quite sensible to just stop developing these things any further, but i think it’s completely naïve to think that would happen.
there’s no way to make that happen.
Evolution is a Fact #27 - Monkeys, Typewriters, Shakespeare, 747s etc.
by cofty inmost creationist arguments can be summarised as "complexity, complexity, complexity - therefore god".
we have all heard the illustrations about the odds of (insert favourite example) evolving, being less than 10,000 monkeys typing macbeth by pure chance.
evolution is not like that.
Top AI inventor Geoffrey Hinton reluctantly concluded that AI will probably humanity fairly soon
by slimboyfat ingeoffrey hinton, major inventor of artificial intelligence: .
“if you take the existential risk seriously, as i now do—i used to think it was way off, but now i think it’s serious, and fairly close—it might be quite sensible to just stop developing these things any further, but i think it’s completely naïve to think that would happen.
there’s no way to make that happen.
I'll view link/thx for share.
Re/depopulation agenda RFK, Jr: WEF and Bill Gates are using 'Climate Change' to depopulate the planet." RFK, Jr., has warned the WEF and Bill Gates are attempting to depopulate the world under the guise of "saving the planet.
Per Dr. Michael Yeadon, (former VP/Pfizer - forwarded from Stew Peters) he (Dr. Yeadon) has evidence re/the global elites' plan to kill billions. Global migration (check out twitter @Michael_Yon (LTG (R) Mike Flynn "We better get ready for a summer of disease here in the United's coming." Referencing Panama which is becoming destabilized - Chinese (and others) flowing in on lined up buses -- Hwy 1 w/drug resistant Tuberculosis and Malaria. CCP has weaponized Dengue -- increasing serious in the Darien Provence along w/drones to dispense mosquitos.
Per Dr. Yeadon the plan is via global migration, the smashing of food/fertilizer production, manufacturing/supply chain, shipping disrupted (all deliberate). No ability to keep 7.8 billion alive resulting in mass starvation, war/global migration, economic destruction.
Did not check link (sorry) but did link from text messages received. Can't be difficult to locate twitter info.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Linked into Twitter from other source or I'd try to link -- Twitter: Thinking Slow @ThinkingSlow1(Twitter) May 2 reporting in England "5,679 excess deaths in March 2023, the main cause is heart related conditions (orange on graph/Twitter) if you sum them together total 941. I'm confused but didn't study the poster's graph - ❤️ the Expose's graphs. No matter how much MSM, Westminster and most SM ignores this - it won't go away." Found this link on Expose -- not reported by Expose but they've always mind blowing info.
Alex Berensen (x NY Times) - "another day another side effect: looks like the mRNAs might make you go blind. Lucky Pfizer's got the no-refund policy!" I know too many people who've bad cases of tinnitus since jabs.
I don't think it's just the vaxed that need to be concerned -- read again today (somewhere) the spikes are causing great harm to the unvaxed.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Mental Health
by Vanderhoven7 inthis psychiatrist makes sense to me..
The Borg wants all your money/assets including any inheritance your heirs would normally receive (thus the conquering/dividing/breaking down of the family unit). They cover all bases well -- they're estate leeches. Leaves adherents nothing to invest for retirement or education and they're too busy jumping hurdles for everlasting life and being accepted to think sanely.
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Were 1st century converts told to knock on doors?
by BoogerMan inacts chapter 2 clearly shows (in jw minds) that door-door preaching was a must for all converts.
(acts 2:37, 38, 41, 42) “now when they heard this, they were stabbed to the heart, and they said to peter and the rest of the apostles: “men, brothers, what should we do?” peter said to them: “repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for forgiveness of your sins, but also, preach to others by knocking on their doors.
...and on that day about 3,000 people were added.
I recall Ray Franz (Crisis of Conscience or In Search of Christian Freedom) indicating door knocking was not biblical (didn't say it was necessarily wrong -- been yrs since I skimmed his books and I'd already checked out of the cult/long gone) or following in the footsteps of the disciples/Jesus.
WT isn't going to chance staging/requiring followers be spectacles in wide open market places publically speaking today -- or ever. Yeah I know the old dogs may have blasted nonsense thru loud speakers/mega phones in streets (vehicles) yrs. ago. They'd hear too much truth from audience today. I heard too much from Grandparents of families/friends thinking they were crazy/delusional back then.
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Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
Why did you leave the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ini've never been a witness so i never left.
graeme hammond writes:.
for some years i’d had a growing irritation and disillusionment with the religion: i was getting tired of the pompousness, the arrogance and the control, i felt increasingly choked by their restrictions and i was drained by their demands on my time.
Ahh, Vander where to begin but I'll race through a few aha moments. Comment made in public talk how dangerous it is to rely on your own thinking/understanding -- then why did the creator give out brains. I knew first hand the problems/issues of the irresponsible, dependent, people, and the pecking order of the clique(s). Another comment by an elder in big clique how we go on serving Jehovah no matter if there's an end in sight - yeah when we die must be the end so why should I listen to this muck and be miserable here. The scripture (Matthew?) re/heavy burdens and tired come to Jehovah and felt no peace/rest in this asylum. The scripture re/religious leaders placing heavy loads, burdens, hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew it was all fraudulent.
I witnessed first hand within first few mos the hypocrisy/horror of the flock -- calls for free legal, jobs, (cleaning, yard work, etc., errands and handouts -- everything from wanna be designers/contractors, you name it) and I do admit there was one person who was dependable and took her job serious. Also, some good elders outside of a couple -- only knew on surface level (and that's enough for me) but I never relinquished my own busy social life nor extra curricular activities/college plans for child/nephews regardless of couple of hard-liners' demands. Didn't care what they thought nor did I ban my child/nephews' extra curricular activities. I've never met so many irresponsible people in my life and many can't help the way they've been reared/brainwashed but the conniving misfits (bad guidance from clergy class at the top/Gov Goons and inside leaders. Felt sad for the kids. The religion failed adherents miserably instead of helping them be independent, trust worthy, autonomous, individuals, and to work hard or you don't eat -- that's Rule #1 in my book.
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