There's a reason medical students run to the US for education and desire to practice here -- they make decent money! They even flee from renown medical centers such as California (state taxes and make much less/salaried) than private practice in other states. Socialized medicine KILLS incentive -- fact! Liberal doctors worried about socialized med in US yrs. ago. Some still earn well but many were leaving the practice - 62-63% even in 'social' (oops, not social) America. They couldn't make a decent living w/all the ins. time waste, malpractice insurance, costs, taxes, etc., etc. I'm not referring to the top heart or oncologist specialists in the state/country.
Some states with no state taxes aren't quite what the minions think -- double fees for auto licensing - children's sports' costs/fees, ridiculous insurance rates (highest if not highest in country in LV) trucked in food regions so more expensive to eat, higher utilities (weather extremes) and housing costs (especially high end communities) equivalent to California w/growth explosion west/northwest regions. Always same price real estate in couple of affluent 'hoods LV same as Beverly Hills/couple of golf course communities as far back as late 80s. Everyone thinks it's cheaper -- wrong! Know people in NV and Idaho moving back to San Diego/so cali -- can't afford to live here. I can live cheaper at the beach😊 yeah -- but I won't full time. Three families left Bend, Oregon -- couldn't take it and balanced politically/one quite liberal. Starter homes WERE good incentive in this tax-free state but so many paying exorbitant rates for apts w/rate increases quarterly having to leave. Racing here.