Nothing will make the average JW wakeup. Simply because most JW's dont see any difference between Jehovah and the faithful slave, and in some things they show more fear in the words from the faithful slave (GB). For instance the faithful slave say don't grow a beard, the need to report your time each month, the end is near etc, and most witness's will follow these very things. Meanwhile Jehovah says not to gossip (Proverbs 20:19), get drunk (Ephesians 5:18), don't listen to anyone that says the end is near, (Luke 21: 7 - 8) and yet this is what a lot of Witness's do.
Posts by skin
If the GB changed a major teaching, would all witnesses just go along with it?
by stuckinarut2 inso if the gb changed its "bible based beliefs" on some teaching, would witnesses all of a sudden change their individual beliefs too?.
witnesses like to claim that "their bible trained hearts and minds" make them believe as they do, but we know that the reality is that all witnesses hold their "deep seated beliefs" according to what they have been told to believe.. so what would cause the average witness to question those that dictate their "personal convictions"??.
The Great October 2016 Invite to the Sunday Meeting campaign ...
by freddo inwell how's it going round your way?
massive increase of interested ones?
did you even know it was supposed to be happening?
And don't forget. The WT study 2 weeks ago informed us that they need more brothers stepping in to take the lead due to the increasing numbers coming to meetings.
God's Rule Book ....The org is setting the scene....
by tor1500 ini went to my midweek meeting this week.
very interesting....couple of things i noticed in the god's rule book, this week finishing up "the kingdom is born in heaven".
there was a footnote that read:for many years the watch tower was intended mainly for members of the little flock for their personal edification.
In this weeks (24th Oct 2016) Congregational book study. Near the end of this weeks study is this:
Consider some historical events from the decades leading up to 1914. Can you see how these developments helped God’s people to be prepared for the birth of the Messianic Kingdom?"
Notice anything wrong with this? or misleading? Most JW's would have no idea what Russell was really teaching before 1914, (and up until the 1930's). Just the modern days WT reversion of its History. For those that don't see what is misleading with this title. Both Rutherford & Russell preached and published both before and after 1914, was that the birth of this Messianic Kingdom happened in 1874, and Christ was given rulership of that Kingdom in 1878. So how could Gods people be preparing for this birth, when at the time, it had already happened!.
The physical effects of Cognitive Dissonance
by stuckinarut2 inmost of us here have gone through, or are going through the various stages "cognitive dissonance".. this is a term used to describe a situation where our minds, and hearts just know that something is "not quite right", and therefore we find ourselves in a muddle trying to reconcile the things we know with the things we are hearing or being told....
so just wondering, how many of you found yourselves (or still find yourselves) becoming phyiscally ill in some way during the time of fading?.
i know that when i look back, for several years even before i was awake to the many issues and facts about the society, i would feel ill at assemblies or conventions.
Another stage of "cognitive dissonance" can be found in this weeks (24th Oct 2016) Congregational book study. Near the end of this weeks study is this:
Consider some historical events from the decades leading up to 1914. Can you see how these developments helped God’s people to be prepared for the birth of the Messianic Kingdom?"
Notice anything wrong with this? or misleading? Most JW's would have no idea what Russell was really teaching before 1914, (and up until the 1930's). Just the modern days WT reversion of its History. For those that don't see what is misleading with this title. Both Rutherford & Russell preached and published both before and after 1914, was the the birth of this Messianic Kingdom happened in 1874, and Christ was given rulership of that Kingdom in 1878. So how could Gods people be preparing for this birth, when at the time, it had already happened!.
Where Can One Get Answers To Questions From JWs?
by Cold Steel inthere's also a fellow who calls himself the "watchman," but he seems as critical as many of the so-called "apostates.
" is there a place where one can ask questions from knowledgeable believers or "a" believer?
i really don't want to take the bible lessons.
Post your question here. There are plenty of knowledgeable people here that can answer your questions.
Watchtower Study Article 23/10/16 from August edition
by BluesBrother in
much of the article is the usual thoughtless mush that we have come to expect these days.
the rank and file bros. are urged to reach out to train the new ones... .
Para 2: " Worldwide, the number of people accepting the good news is growing."
Has this changed? When i used to follow the figures found in the year books, these numbers were dropping.
JW's know how to guilt trip....
by HereIgo inwhen i left the org, the jw's tried their best to guilt trip me.
some of the questions i was asked and things i was told:.
"how could you possibly be happy outside of jehovah's organization?
Don't you believe that this system is nearly ended?
Don't you want to meet your dad in the new world?
Why don't you want to be a witness anymore?
Why would you want to leave our spiritual paradise for Satan's doomed world?
And the list goes on....
FYI, Eloise Dupuis, 27, a JW, died last Wednesday in a Quebec hospital because she refused a blood transfusion
by AndersonsInfo ini just received the following message from a friend this morning.. barbara.
eloise dupuis, 27 years old, died at the hotel dieu hospital in lévis, quebec, canada, wednesday, october 12th.
she died because of her religious principles.
Waiting for a news article link on this to be posted.
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
And lets not forget, the very first lie to God's people, Adam & Eve. Satan said to them, you will not die, and they did die. Today its WT that continue promote this lie, but this time, its under gods name.
It was only a few years ago that the original "millions will never die" book was mentioned at a meeting as an early sign that Jehovah was using this org back then. Does not the very title say otherwise.
Disfellowhsipped for 7 years...
by HereIgo ini remember around 2009, there was a scandal going on involving 2 families in my cong where the husband in one family was having an affair with the wife of the other family.
this resulted in pregnancy and subsequent disfellowshipping.
what was interesting to me though was a comment made by a co from the platform.
Same thing happened in my Cong more than 10 years ago now. Husband in one family was having an affair with the wife of the other family. Both marriages ended because of it, the husband and the other wife both go DFed That was also the end of their affair. The innocent other half's both left the WT for good. The husband that was DFed was reinstated only a few years later. Not 7 years.