That word for word was announced last night at our midweek meeting, we have our CA over zoom next week so will be interesting what it does.
Posts by skin
JW Stream - Studio
by neat blue dog inwe are pleased to inform you that, where possible, the 2021 circuit assembly with the circuit overseer (ca-co) program and the 2021 special meeting with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionaries program will be broadcast via a product called jw stream–studio.
this product will allow attendees to watch a live stream of their circuit’s programs from their homes.
if this provision will be used in your circuit, the circuit overseer will provide further information to the elders.
ExElder Friend Had To Go To His Former Kingdom Hall and this what he told me!
by minimus inhe was the secretary before he resigned years ago.
he has a business that kept him involved with the kingdom hall.
the hall was sold to another church.
He must have been a rebel in days past, working for a church has always been discouraged, if not prohibited
But selling a KH to a church is fine.
Hypocritical Stance of Jehovah`s Witnesses Over The Years.
by smiddy3 ini`m thinking of times when the jw organization has been hypocritical in their beliefs / practices .
they make sure they are no part of christendom in any way shape or form ,the understanding the r&f have of the organization.. the r&f members are not to have any dealings with christendoms religions in business or otherwise.. but what does the jw organization do ?
they sell watchtower property to christendoms churches for profit .. the r&f are to be separate from the world and call the league of nations and it`s successor the united nations the counterfeit kingdom of god ,the abhorrent thing standing in the place of god ?.
Continually being told to simplify our life, reduce the amount of hours we spend at work so as to spend more of our valuable time in serving or where the need is great. And then when finally you have gone too far and fall into financial hardship, it becomes the fault of Satan and this wicked old system of things.
As of Today 20/11/2020 on the official website... National Redress Scheme.
by smiddy3 inthe following institutions named in the royal commission and/or an application have not yet joined or signified their intent to join the scheme:.
jehovah’s witnesses .
among others i have not named as i`m only concerned about the jw`s on this forum .
Has ARC and all the media coverage has it affected the number of active JWs in Australia ?
I don't think so. Almost all JWs will show their loyalty and support to with greater respect than ever before. They have been told that Satan is the one behide this negative news and how they need to stand firm against all his lies, especially those that attack Jehovah's earthly organization. It would be so sad if any JW were to think that the redress scheme is set up to help and support victims.
Hi, i'm from Trinidad!
by Poodles inare there any trinidadians in this forum?
if so, please post, would like to chat!
Many Jw’s Love to Speculate About the New System
by Davros ina comment on another thread cracked me up where the poster related what some elder said on the platform that: .
in the new system, we likely will not have genitals.” lol.
i’ve heard so much speculation from many jw’s on what will and won’t be allowed in the new system.
Won't be in a rush to do anything or go anywhere, because we will have forever to do it in.
What I find with even more head shaking disbelief, are the speculations about what will happen between now and the end of this system. What to expect etc. All fear inducing stuff to keep you in obedience to WT .
Has Anyone Gotten Disfellowshipped Here and For What??
by minimus insex issues seem to be the number one reason but apostasy is right up there too.
even if you weren’t disfellowshipped , do you know why some people you know were disfellowshipped?
I havnt heard of anyone getting disfellowshipping for years now, people seem to come & go (dissappear), and with some announcements that so & so has been reproved.
How do you switch off the thoughts of being raised JW and feelings of anger
by Zeds Dead inraised as a jo blow and married into it.
37 years in it and now last 7 years out of it which feels great.. have memories of being a kid in school in the uk and just hating everything about being the jw kid.
bullied, embarrassed in front of others and self-esteem went into the toilet.wished i was born into a different family.. what angers me is the messaging i would receive at home when i talked about being bullied.
I wasn't raised a jw. I'm so glad I wasn't. Thinking back at my enjoyable childhood, the great memories I had with school friends during and after school. I would not have had those happy memories if I had been raised a JW.
Witness reaching out to me after 20+ years...
by SouthCentral ina few weeks ago; a witness couple from the midwest reached out to me after 25+ years.
they said they were doing a letter writing campaign and decided to reach out to me… they called on my personal cell phone, which was a little surprising.
a few days ago, a couple that i knew from over 40 years ago, sent me a text, again to my personal cell phone.. i assume that they just googled my name to get the personal info.
With the normal preaching work on hold, witnesses are having to count their hours via other means, namely phone calls and letter writing 🔡
Watchtower Library
by Paul Bonanno inin the early 1980s together with my brothers we decided to started collecting watchtower literature and have them neatly in a library at home.
with the help of our father he gave us all the books bought during the years that he had stored in a big wooden box.. after purchasing all the literature that we had missing from the kingdom hall we decided to write letters to the world headquarters of jehovah’s witnesses in brooklyn new york as well to the british and australian branch office.. unfortunately none of our requests bear fruit as they informed us: “it is doubtful whether they are available anywhere in the world….” (ca february 23, 1983); “unable to supply the old publications you request.” (sa: sg september 20, 1983) “we will keep your letter on our files….”(sa: sg january 22, 1983).. during the years we managed to obtain many of these early books going back to 1879 when this religious organization was started.. through barbara anderson we learned that in 30 columbia heights building new york they had a warehouse storage where they kept many old literature which don kommers the assistant of vern wisegarver was responsible for.
through these publications we learned what exactly was written by charles russell and joseph rutherford regarding predictions that never came to be.
The JWs do not “discourage” you from having a library in fact you are encouraged to have one.
I had built up an extensive library of WT publications since I joined the JWs in the late 80's. Even after waking up in the early 2000's, I continued to add to my library. Then the letter from the branch asking for all old publications to be sent back to them. I kept my collection, then came the guilt pressure from my close JW family who are completely in, they kept telling me to dump my collection as we don't use these anymore, everything we need is now online they would tell me. I sold half my library, got some $$ for that, of course I was told to contribute this $$ back to WT, which didn't happen. I did end up dumping my WT volumes. I kept some of the older books, the older ones that woke me up I've kept. "Study of the scriptures vol 2 1917", creation book from 1927 to name the two publications that revealed how WT have rewritten their own history regarding the year 1914, or should I say the non 1914 date, as neither of these 2 publications even contain any reference to the 1914 date in the chapters dealing with the biblical timeline in that time period.