Topics Started by cecil
Direction Literally Creates Time
by Big Jim inone day a traveler in a remote country town,convinced that he was on the wrong road,came to a halt in a village.
calling one of the villagers to the car window,he said, "friend,i need help.
the villager looked at him for a moment.
607 or 587?
by cocolocoii ini found a very nice internet page where you can really learn many fact about jehovah's witnesses.. please go to yahoo and search for research on the watchtower.. i hope fred reads this site.. comments?
A Message of Hope
by 7robert7 init's been a long time since i've visited this site.
the last time that i was here i was not allowed to participate in this forums discussions for as it was explained to me, "you dont share in our beliefs, therefore your comments, ideas, and expressions would cause conflict, and disunity among those of us who do share in the truth.
" the day i recieved the denial, i broke down in tears and prayed that jesus christ would bring down the walls of hatred and mistrust among those here and that he would allow me the blessed opportunity to some day share the joy that i have found in him.
by nicolaou inbrits v yanks.
this is just for laughs, but let's be honest us brits are most definately ahead of our 'cousins' across the water in the credibility stakes.. i'll kick us off and see where we go;.
[1] the beautiful game.. it's called football.
1975 New Info
by AlanF init means that within relatively few years we will witness the fulfillment of the remaining prophecies that have to do with the "time of the end.".
the lead article "the finest work on earth" in the october 1967 km (p. 1) continued the theme of preaching with a sense of urgency:.
the sense of urgency was effective in getting some students to make a decision.
Old light in WT study books...
by TheApostleAK incan anybody tell me what parts of these 3 bible study books are considered "old light"?:.
* "the bible - gods word or man's?".
* "true peace and security - how can you find it?".
independent thinking
by stephenw20 in1983 "avoid independent thinking .. how is such independent thinking manifested?
a common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by god's visible organization.
" {wt jan 15 1983 22}.
re: Rerefinement
by battman inlast nite it was announced, a letter read, that the .
use of the term "christian congregation" would now.
be used instead of "watchtower".
Will you attend?
by Esmeralda inyesterday afternoon the phone rang, and the voice of my 81 year old grandmother met my husband's.
if i could just drop off an invitation to the memorial for you and justin, it's next week you know...".