Hey Englishman.
It was a great day, we have still got 15 bottles of wine left and numerous tinnies of draught bitter.
I'll be visiting your island later this month. How about a LITTLE after-party?! Even if there's only 15 bottles left...
have just spent a delightful afternoon at englishman's barbecue - sunshine, good food and wine, and scintillating company.
mr. dubinapub was there, singing irish rebel songs and passing round illicit liquor.. am i being corrupted by bad associations?
Hey Englishman.
It was a great day, we have still got 15 bottles of wine left and numerous tinnies of draught bitter.
I'll be visiting your island later this month. How about a LITTLE after-party?! Even if there's only 15 bottles left...
get yer watchtower cdroms going (i can't use mine cos my cdrom crapped itself)..... i need some stone cold wt quotes on the postion of disassociation.
whether a da person is treated the same as a df person?
are they to be shunned?
The article that equaled the position of da'ed persons with da'ed persons was the W81 15/9. (Ray Franz describes that change in COC, 3rd edit., page 347)
In the late 80's there were som articles on how to treat non-baptized persons, although publishers, who had comitted wrong-doing. They were earlier treated in the same way as da'ed persons. That changed to a more liberal view with effect from w88 15/11.
Hope that this can help you out a little!?
can anyone give me a list over the names/labels in the bible (john, jerimiah, psalms...) in the order they appear.. or a list with the names/labels translated into danish... i'm having a hard time looking up verses i find in this forum, in my danish bible.. (actually i don't have a bible - but it's on the internet).. thank you.
take care.
mr. magoo
Hej Mr Magoo.
Vil du sende mig din e-mail adresse?
på forhånd tak
i have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Hi folks.
Thanks for the answers already posted. To those of you, who have New World Translations in other languages than german, english, danish and polish: Please quote Jeremiah 29:10 as it reads in your NWT.
The reason?! Some persons seem, when translating the english NWT to other languages, to have rendered the english version different from the english original, in the translation to their own language. Thereby they have expressed something, which is in contrast to current WT-teaching. And I'd like to find out if the danish NWT (=translators at the danish branch*)is the only one that is different from the normal rendering of Jeremiah 29:10 in NWT...
Please help me if you can! Check out your NWT (if you haven't thrown it away as Wendy has...) It's really important for me!!!!
* should I write AT the branch or FOR the branch... -> just a little joke
(headline) toppled tower.
(dateline) october 2029, brooklyn, new york; associated internet media news service.
after a century and a half of preaching and publishing, the wtbts (watchtower bible and tract society) has closed its doors.. the group was started in the 1870s with most of its doomsday doctrines borrowed from the second adventists, another american-born religion of the 19th century.
Hi Skimmer.
Great posts! Especially this "reverse-shunning"-thing...
Hi You Know.
Respect - half an hour, and 'The Tower Strikes Back' And only 23 minutes for the second strike. If you were to write The Watchtower it really would become - fast food! [8>]
i have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Hi seedy3.
Thanks for your reply. I know that most other translations render Jeremiah 29:10 "...FOR Babylon..." or "...TO Babylon..." Other translations again paraphrase the expression "le babel" with another wording, like "When Babylon's seventy years are over." (Tanach - The Holy Scriptures; a jewish translation!!) or "When a full seventy years have passed over Babylon." (The Revised English Bible).
You wrote
Now according to my studies I have found that the written date that Jerusalem fell to total destruction was in 597 according to the Babylonian Chronicals.
That's strange. According to what I have read and seen published in recent years, the date 597 B.C. is the date for the EARLIER (second) deportation of jews from (the first took place in Nebuchadnezars accession year - 605 B.C. - according to the Babylonian Chronicle B.M. 21946. BTW: Thanks for the link! There you can read B.M. 21946
> http://www.seminary.georgefox.edu/courses/bst550/reports/DStahlnecker/BM21946.html
I assume you just typed the wrong number (...?!), because you also wrote:
In 1956 there were a set of smaller tablets that when translated, it was discovered that the Destruction of Jerusalem came in 597bc,in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar.
OK. Here comes another link to a site, that I found very informative:
> http://www.nexus.hu/enkidu/enkidu.html
Check it out. It contains an enormous database with 26875 transcribed texts - partly from the neo-babylonian period!
Hi Larsguy.
Thanks for your comments! You wrote:
...Has it occurred to you that the reason they were "copied" was so they could revise this section of history?...So the chronicles are definitely challenged and contradicted by both the Bible and other sources...
OK. Let's assume for a moment we cannot trust the chronicles. How about the other evidence FROM THE NEO-BABYLONIAN PERIOD ITSELF (royal inscriptions, economic,administrative and legal documents/inscriptions or the preserved business docs of the neo-babylonian era itself)? How about the synchronisms with the egyptian history of the same period?? How about the astronomical evidence from the neo-babylonian era???
If these documents and the babylonian chronicles show exactly the same data – and they do! - should that not be proof that what the chronicles show is correct. Instead of claiming that the chronicles have been revised for a certain purpose (what purpose?), maybe we should concentrate on all the evidence from the neo-babylonian period as a whole. And: As far as I know, the secular historical evidence from the neo-babylonian period, that is preserved, is in good harmony with the Bible!
i have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
"Thanks for the flowers" - as we put it in my mother-tongue. Great to know that it wouldn't be as easy to fade away in here, as it prooves to be in our congo. You know what I mean...!!!
i have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Hi Chasson.
Thanks for your reply. I'd like you to paste the original words from the french NWT - Jer. 29:10 - here, if possible... I need it for a quote. Thanks in advance!
Hi Outnfree.
The english "I love you" is spelled "Jeg elsker dig" i danish. (I hope that these words - whoever you will write/tell them... - will work!!!)
i have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
just bringing my request to the top once more...
i have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
I have found something interesting in the danish New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. And I would like to know, how the other NW-translations render the same verse.
It's the "famous" words in Jeremiah 29:10, which in the NWT's rendering usually (at least as far as I know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!
„For this is what Jehovah has said, ’In accord with the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon I shall return my...’“
„Denn dies ist was Jehova gesagt hat: ’In Übereinstimmung mit der Erfüllung von siebzig Jahren in Babylon werde ich euch...’“
„Tak bowiem rzekl Jehowa: ’Gdysi sie dopelni siedemdziesiat lat w Babilonie, zworoce na was uwage...’“
Nothing new here. But when you read the danish NWT you'll be quite surprised:
„For således har Jehova sagt: ’Først når halvfjerds år er udløbet for Babylon...’”
Yes, you're right: The danish translation says FOR (equals the english FOR) and not IN (that would be I in danish). And it would be possible to say I BABYLON instead of FOR BABYLON without any other change in this verse.
The same interesting thing happens when you compare the column-titles for Jeremiah 29:10 in these translations:
Return in 70 years
Rückkehr nach 70 Jahren
Powroca po 70 latach
And now the danish version:
70 år (which simply means: 70 years - nothing about a return in this column-title...
Now that made me really wondering: Should there be any other NWT (in other languages) that render Jeremiah 29:10 different from the english version - and maybe like the danish? Should there be something special about the danish NWT...? At least this verse is QUITE DIFFERENT from the other NWT I've seen! Strange, don't you think so???
Please correct me if I'm wrong: But the danish NWT says something that the WBTS usually says is incorrect translated in other bibles and which is in direct contrast to the normal WTBS-application of the 70 years in Jeremiah as years of exile and desolation!!
Here's where I NEED YOUR HELP: Please quote Jeremiah 29:10 from the NWT in your own language (spanish or swedish or... - I think the NWT is available in 31 languages today, but I don't know i which languages) and tell in english if your NWT says FOR Babylon or AT Babylon.
I am writing a letter to the danish branch-office about this issue (the WT-chronology) at the moment and of course I'm going to ask a question about the rendering of Jeremiah 29:10 i the danish NWT. And I'll publish the answer on this board - if I can get an answer...
PS: I posted this request for help on the main-board yesterday. Maybe I should have place it here...