This is a very interesting topic, because Jehovahs Witnesses use of the word "apostate" reveals quite a lot about their way of thinking and their reasoning.
Even if a Jehovahs Witness knows how the word is defined in dictionaries and how it should be understood in the biblical and historical context, she or he would use it the way the Society has defined it: Anybody with a critical attitude towards the Society, the Governing Body, The Faithful and Discreet Slave - or anything/anybody who/that represents them, if it would amount to criticism of the top-level - or (their) doctrine may be labeled an apostate, if this person won't stop its criticism and/or stop talking to others about the issue, after having been told to stop. Regardless the info this person provides or wants to talk about is trustworthy and accurate.
I think Royce (quoted by Sam Beli - thanks for the info!) put i very well:
2. It's most often pressed when the USER can't defend a position.
3. It's an attempt at emotional blackmail
5. It's brought out when the USER is most vulnerable & weakest.
6. It usually reveals that the USER is out of intellectual ammo & Scriptural defenses.
7. It's a word the USER uses to try & control the rapid unraveling of cherished beliefs & sound argument.
9. I realize the USER uses the word to convey disgust & dismiss the intended target, but often "fear" is the unacknowledged motivation.
13. It appears to be the USER'S euphemism for "Sh*t, I just lost again! What do I do now?"
14. My last observation is that those who truly have something to say & have good articulation, documentation & argumentation of substance, rarely (if ever) use the word.
These observations hit the nail right on its head!! Label something "apostate", and it won't be problem for you any longer. It's so easy! That's a dead-smart way to mind-control people...
A little experience: A long-time friend of mine, the PO of the congregation I used to attend, was one of the few, who knew about my doubts and problems with the "Thruth". When I talked to him about it he suddenly got remote-controlled by the "Apostasy-program". He called the way I thought apostate without even considering the evidence. And when I asked him to have a look at the biblical evidence (Gods Word!!! The bible itself!!!) he refused that as well... His reasoning? The RESULT of my thought would equal apostasy (=criticism of the Society and the FDS) - so regardless of the evidence, even from the bible itself, he labeled the thoughts as "apostate". And then he was able to "forget" about it - no need to think about the evidence, as it would end up with apostasy anyway...
It was interestimng and revealing to see a long-time elder react this way, when confronted with thoughts (and evidence) that finally amount to nothing else, than what Jehovahs Witnesses expect others to do with their belief-system: To check it out and reassure if what they believe is correct!
The above attitude towards "apostate" thoughts label me as an apostate when I talk about my thoughts. Interesting, what a recent article in the WT stated in this regard about "harboring private ideas". That makes people apostates (in others as well as IN THEIR OWN MINDS, depending on how indoctrinated they are) already if they happen to have ideas and thoughts, that are in opposition to anything the Society teaches... That clears the way for complete mind-control.