It has prolly lost some of its joy. I don't know if its more controlling per se. I've heard a lot of stories from the "old days" and it sounded to me as though one congregation servant could really set the tone for what could and couldn't go on.
In sense, it seems to have gotten more drab. No food at assemblies, very little special or new. No real new light. Ambigious blood doctrine. Book study is studying the same ol' over and over. Perhaps I'm just not old enough to really compare it properly.
I guess, a better question would be, what metrics would you use to say its gotten better or worse? Just some ideas on that line.
- Are there more rules? Probably not. We have lost a lot of crazy rules/opinions (can i play chess? can i use a pinata?) but the effect of having set those rules in the past is a kind of living memory of them. Many still remember and frown on those who don't follow.
- Are people happier? Probably not. A lot of resentment around failed expectations. Too many comments about how they didn't expect to get old in the system. Increase in articles on the ressurection.
- Is the WTBS becoming less dogmatic? I'm not sure. Thats a tough question.
There seems a failure to try something new, do something new. But at this rate I think we'll start to a) see decline in numbers overall b) lies in the stats :)