I've been out of the JWs for the last 20 years. I remember when...
- The WTS prided its self on having KHs that were humble, practical and were't a showy display
- The WTS was as militant as they are now.
- The elders weren't as cruel to their own
- The WTS wasn't always puttong their hands in the R&F's pocket and demanding money.
- The conventions actually cared about the needs of the R&F by providing food and not making a bunch of rules about where they could eat and what they could put under the seat.
Am I remembering things differently? Has the society gotten worse? From some of the posts I've read over the last couple of weeks my jaw has just dropped at the lack of love and the outright cruelty inflicted on those who have left or were DFed. Every time I think something was so immoral and the worst someone else comes along and my jaw is on the floor again.
It was bad before but OMG now it is downright nasty
So it there are any posters who have continued to go to meetings over the last 20 years...
- have you noticed the org is not what it used to be?
- that it is stricter?
- more rigid?
- more rule orientated?