Door to door preaching has a biblical foundation? News to me.
david2002 and i discussed this issue a little bit in a previous thread and agreed to discuss is in another thread.. david2002 i have created the thread but i will leave the first post to you.. please explain your viewpoint on door to door preaching and its biblical foundation.
Door to door preaching has a biblical foundation? News to me.
hey guys,.
assume you're talking to a faithful, indoctrinated jw that is only now getting some doubts rolling in his head.
let's say that he doesn't have much info yet, hasn't done much research, and is pretty scared of anything that smells "apostate".
Interestingly, a CO used an illustration like this once. Said that picking the right religion was like identifying the counterfeit bill. Its far easier to identify the right bill (based on positive features) instead of identifying the wrong bill (based on negative features)
Its a nutty concept though. Basically you're saying, its wrong to reject falsehood because you don't have something better to replace it with.
In science, do you reject a theory simply becuase you have something better?
many of us are familiar with the theme of this years district convention, "deliverance at hand".
i don't know if the publication release has been leaked yet, but i thought it might be fun to speculate about what it possibly could be.
i'll start it off... .
Could the attendants please help Br. Struggles-a-lot.
obviously, there is no answer to this, i just think it's an interesting ??.
my personal opinion is that within 10 years, the wts will be a shell of it's current (and especially former) self.
it may not even take that long.
My guess is that realistically, on its current course, in 50 years their current membership will be halved. Trying to predict this is obvisouly very difficult, as doctrinal change could greatly sway it one way or the other.
as a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
okay honestly. this is the worst interface for editing posts evar!!!1111
as a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
w68 5/1 qfr
When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
as a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
w68 5/1 qfr
When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
as a witness, i knew several men who attempted to grow beards.
when they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion.
" why was this a form of rebellion?
w68 5/1 qfr
When Jesus Christ was a man on earth, did he wear a beard?—K.A., U.S.A.
using the wts's dates in the january 1.1965 page 29 : nabonidus= 17 years.
add 17 to 539=556, neriglissar==4 years, add 4 to 556=560, evil-marduk=2 years, add 2 to560=562, nebuchadnezzar=43 years, add 43 to 562 =605.
the bible at 2 kings 25: 8 and 9 says "in the 19th year of king nebuchadnezzar the servant of the king came to jerusallem and burned the house of jehovah.
Incedently, have you seen the WT's explanation of this? It goes something like, the punishment for King of Babylon occured in 537. After all, the title King of Babylon is irrelevent to nationality, simply that when the Jews left, that was the punishment.
Would be interesting to find the article in question.
using the wts's dates in the january 1.1965 page 29 : nabonidus= 17 years.
add 17 to 539=556, neriglissar==4 years, add 4 to 556=560, evil-marduk=2 years, add 2 to560=562, nebuchadnezzar=43 years, add 43 to 562 =605.
the bible at 2 kings 25: 8 and 9 says "in the 19th year of king nebuchadnezzar the servant of the king came to jerusallem and burned the house of jehovah.
Scholar, you lost me there. I thought the scope Jer 25:12 was not strictly limited to the city of Babylon.
Jeremiah 25:12 did not have a fulfillment with a Babylonian king in 539 as most commentators show that this verse was fulfilled after the seventy years was fulfilled and was meant as a desolation of Babylon. Your theory on this matter is not supported biblically or recognized by other commentators and scholars. The new king of Babylon namely Medo-Persia also in time suffered defeat and Babylon remains no more.
So are you saying Babylon was desolated in 537 instead? Or did the desolating of Babylon have an indefinite time frame?