As a Witness, I knew several men who attempted to grow beards. When they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion." Why was this a form of rebellion? That is the interesting part, as you see it is something that in many ways is outdated in society and should be in the religion too. Witnesses before the 1960's actually had beards at times, and even Russell had a beard. Yet in the 1960's, the hippie movement began and often those associated with it, had long unkept beards as a form of protest to society. For most people, the beard was associated with the hippie movement and the older generation saw this as a rebellious symbol. At that time the governing body came down on beard wearing and even went as far as to threaten brothers with losing their positions, if the beard was not removed. For the most part, this was to not offend the elderly or people we met at the door. As a beard might be seen as someone who was fighting the government. Yet looking at the 1960's and 70's, you can easily see that the hippie beard in question was more of the islander version or something you would see being worn by a Bob Marley. So to take something like that and say, "all bears are rebellious was evil," was an example of over caution. Plus, as has been pointed out many times since then, Jesus would have worn a beard and as would most of the men mentioned in the Bible. Although, during this anti-beard time, it was common to see pictures of these men beardless in publication (isn't that odd?). Anyway, in modern times, it is very common for wealthy and respected members of society to have beards and goatees. These are trimmed and well kept and actually look very nice on people. People no longer see a beard as rebellious, if they ever really did, so to still consider these evil, is another example of the Witnesses enjoyment of controlling people's lives on all details. Even when they make no sense. Yet, to a generation raised after the decision to remove beards from the congregation, they do not even know where it originated and would actually consider such beard explanations as evil. Even though I actually remember it, so my memory is apostate!
Anyone else on here know this?