Beards are evil, but do you know why?

by free2beme 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    As a Witness, I knew several men who attempted to grow beards. When they did, and attended meetings, it did not take long to be talked to by elders and told, "as spiritual men, they should not display an outward form of rebellion." Why was this a form of rebellion? That is the interesting part, as you see it is something that in many ways is outdated in society and should be in the religion too. Witnesses before the 1960's actually had beards at times, and even Russell had a beard. Yet in the 1960's, the hippie movement began and often those associated with it, had long unkept beards as a form of protest to society. For most people, the beard was associated with the hippie movement and the older generation saw this as a rebellious symbol. At that time the governing body came down on beard wearing and even went as far as to threaten brothers with losing their positions, if the beard was not removed. For the most part, this was to not offend the elderly or people we met at the door. As a beard might be seen as someone who was fighting the government. Yet looking at the 1960's and 70's, you can easily see that the hippie beard in question was more of the islander version or something you would see being worn by a Bob Marley. So to take something like that and say, "all bears are rebellious was evil," was an example of over caution. Plus, as has been pointed out many times since then, Jesus would have worn a beard and as would most of the men mentioned in the Bible. Although, during this anti-beard time, it was common to see pictures of these men beardless in publication (isn't that odd?). Anyway, in modern times, it is very common for wealthy and respected members of society to have beards and goatees. These are trimmed and well kept and actually look very nice on people. People no longer see a beard as rebellious, if they ever really did, so to still consider these evil, is another example of the Witnesses enjoyment of controlling people's lives on all details. Even when they make no sense. Yet, to a generation raised after the decision to remove beards from the congregation, they do not even know where it originated and would actually consider such beard explanations as evil. Even though I actually remember it, so my memory is apostate!

    Anyone else on here know this?

  • JH

    I find it stupid that a Witness can't even have a goatee !!!

    And you know what? In their new system, they will permit it !!!

  • IronClaw

    This is exactly the topic that got me started researching on the net. It seems that Judge Rutherford wanted to distance himself from Charles Taze Russell. This included beards. I remember reading about some brothers from overseas coming to the US and needing money for printing machines. Well the Judge told the brother to shave off his beard and then we'll talk. I will try to find this and post it for ya. Funny how all brothers say that its a stumbling issue to have a beard. I ask you, whats more stumbling having a beard or the WTS joining the UN.

  • jeeprube

    It's just another example of the Witnesses' self created reality. The anti-beard stance was one of the things that got me thinking. Couple that with the requirement to turn in field service time, attend five meetings a week, not smoke, etc. None of these things are mentioned or required by the Bible. Before long you begine to realize that JW's add things on top of the Bible. Since we are not required Biblicaly to obey any edict above and beyond scripture, the WTS's added rules are just silly.

  • free2beme

    It was not widely discourages until the 1960's, although there were some congregations who were more strict then others. Which is how it is today too. I actually did know one elder with a beard in Crescent City California. He had one because of a very accident that left his chin disfigured. He would give talks in his own hall, but other then a couple local congregations that knew why, he was never invited to speak elsewhere or at conventions. Not that he was in bad standings, they did not want to stumble people. Odd!

  • atypical

    I am fascinated by this topic, as well. Interestingly, I have heard the hippie thing, and like you said, that is no longer valid. I see respected business men all the time with well trimmed beards and goatees. It makes it even more ridiculous to me that the witnesses go ahead and allow moustaches. What's the difference?

    The most maddening part to me is the answer you get from the brothers if you argue this subject.

    "What's more important to you; your personal rights, or how you might affect others? Wouldn't it be loving to consider the feelings of the rest of the congregation as more important than your personal rights?"

    Has anyone else heard this backwards reasoning?

  • SixofNine

    Actually, I think you're wrong about this, although it is a common excuse given by the witnesses, especially old school witnesses. They generally accept the "rebellious hippies" reasoning, and I guess it's because well, hippies were pretty rebellious.

    But witnesses didn't wear beards, generally speaking, long before the sixties. It seems to have grown out of the struggle between the followers of Pastor Russell and the followers of Judge Rutherford. Rutherford fancied himself a modern man, and when "clean shaven" became the fashion of the day, he embraced it, no doubt for several reasons: his sense of style/fashion, the fact that it seperated him and people loyal to him from Russell, and the fact that it was called "clean shaven" (yes, people really are that stupid).

    I agree that the hippy movement caused the society to harden their stance on the matter, and it's crazy that in the 1990's and 2000's witnesses are still using hippies to scapegoat their own sheeplike stupidity.

    Btw, I wore a beard for the last 6 years of my time as a witness. It was a beating every day. I was convinced that the unwritten rule was soooooofa king ridiculous that the brothers would just reason on it and follow my lead. Unfortunately, those brothers who are even willing to reason a bit on the stupidity of the psuedo-doctrine still tend to reason this way, "well, I'll just wait on Jehovah", which is code for "when the Circuit Overseer grows one, then my not-very-brave-but-very-concerned-about-position ass will grow one".

  • tetrapod.sapien

    white colar, stiff upper-lip, conservative, xian fundamentalist, bible salesmen: jehovah's witnesses.

  • Euphemism

    Sixo wrote:

    "my not-very-brave-but-very-concerned-about-position ass will grow one".

    Dude, bad mental image.

  • katiekitten

    My dad became an elder in the 70,s and then grew a beard. It was a collective holding of breath at the KH. everyone knew it was wrong, but no-one could formulate a good enough argument to verbalise it.

    Part of the issue was that dad was VERY highly respected as a person and as an elder. He was whiter than white, humble, genuine, beyond reproach. Many people tried to humour it out of him, (hey Phil can I lend you a rozer, Hey Phil,if you cant afford a razor I will buy you one; Phil your razor seems to be blunt etc etc) but he was unfazed. He grew it.

    It was the first and last instance I knew of a witness having a beard and getting away with it.


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