British Fish and Chips
Posts by Celia
Hello everyone
by JUG inhello everybody i just discovered this site a few days ago and am now formaly introducing my self.
i am 23 years old, i was born and raised in the truth, then about 2 1/2 ears ago i got discfellowshiped.
i didn't know anything else besides the truth.
Hi Jug,
Welcome --- Please use a bigger font, for us old folks who need reading glasses.... Thanks
Help me interpret this dream...
by serendipity ini had a really weird dream last night.
in my dream, i was in an old house, spying on three men in a bathtub through a cracked door.
they were just bathing, but in my dream i was thinking they were gay.
unclebruce who helped rescue a platypus from the surf today (just had to squeeze that in)
Wow ! Great ! Are these critters friendly ? and I almost killed a cat this morning Stupid thing just crossed the road running right in front of my car.... Thanks goodness I missed it.About the dream - - - Something in your life you really want to forget and thought was entirely dealt with and forgotten shows up again, or you're afraid it will re-appear, or you're afraid people will learn about it.... How is that ?
Your favorite fictional literary character
by daystar inwhat is your favorite fictional literary character.
which character do you identify with most?
i was a well-read kid and my favorite series of books were the elric saga by michael moorcock.
........and this one, obviously..............
Your favorite fictional literary character
by daystar inwhat is your favorite fictional literary character.
which character do you identify with most?
i was a well-read kid and my favorite series of books were the elric saga by michael moorcock.
Wait a minute!!!!!!
by joelbear inif the hebrews were forbidden to eat pigs why would there have been pigs around for jesus to cast demons into?
huh, yeah, why?
Wild pigs, maybe.... Yeah, that's a good question !
Help Wanted - Watching Watchtower Money
by unclebruce inmillions now living will bequeath us in their wills !
g'day tax dodgers, .
recently my father-in-law died.
in the top ten New York enterprises
if they are, aren't they supposed to be audited? Aren't their finances accessible to anyone who wants to study them ?
Nice to see UncleBruce in here again
by PMJ inany sincere person can see that god will put a end to this wicked system.and looking at all that the bible says it surely is the time we are now living in
Lucifer: Get an Excedrin Migraine. And drink some Coke or a cup of coffee.
by PMJ inany sincere person can see that god will put a end to this wicked system.and looking at all that the bible says it surely is the time we are now living in
hi mark hughes.first of all how did you like playing for manchester united?second you said i was lonely and that i judged people.well your judging does that make you lonely?trust me im not lonely i have a big family who are great im slaso married with and have achild and one on the way.i also have a very good job.and im ovesly better at it than you are at your job
OK - Lesson # 1 Spelling and typing
Hi Mark Hughes. First of all, how did you like playing for Manchester United? Second, you said I was lonely and that I judged people. Well, you're judging me! So does that make you lonely? Trust me, I'm not lonely. I have a big family, a great family. I'm also married and have a child, and another one is on the way. I also have a very good job, and I'm obviously better at it than you are at yours.
(Why, obviously PMJ is better at his job than Mark Hughes, nobody knows....)
One space after a comma, two spaces after a period. That's a comma , That's a period .
by PMJ inany sincere person can see that god will put a end to this wicked system.and looking at all that the bible says it surely is the time we are now living in
he will put a end to this system just like he put a end to the ungodly world or noahs day
why would anyone believe the tales of Noah and the flood and the ark ? Why would anyone believe that some supernatural, invisible something would carry out that kind of genocide? It was just a local flood, and the story got told and retold and embellished. No god will destroy the earth. We'll do it all on our own.