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Posts by Celia
Does any one know French and can help me please?
by Suzie ini just got news that my boyfriend that i was going to go see in a week died!!!!
i want to be able to communicate with his family that does not speak or read english!
can someone please help me translate a letter for them?
Dumping Sodas
by Sparkplug ini am so mad right now.
last night i went to the grocery store.
they have ten packs of soda for 10 dollars.
How old are the kids? I understand the sodas disappearing if there are young kids or teenagers in the house, but what about the steaks and all the sandwich meat ? Who would eat all that and when? I mean, the steaks need to be cooked first.... Strange ! The lying or not fessing up to drinking/eating the stuff would annoy me to no end too !
They are witnessing on my block
by Es inits like 35degrees outside i drive down by street and see a bunch of jw's witnessing.
so im sure to get a visit today.
although now of them would know me im in a new area.. es
35 degrees Celsius, is hot !
Lucky you ! It's 10 below zero here.... Or close to it. And I am soooo tired of winter!
First Close encounter of the apostate kind
by jt stumbler infor about a year i have been sporting a beard.
usually i would do this during elk hunting season and shave it soon after.
anyhoo i'm doing my daily quality control of my product and an associate at work whom i have spoken too on occasion greets me with a " buenos dios bro".
Is this associate of yours a JW ? If he is, that would explain his walking away after your telling him you used to be a JW. If he is not a JW, didn't he want to know more about your having been a JW and not being one anymore?
Other brushes with greatness
by joelbear inworked in subscription department with sister knorr, we both collected odd names of people.. shook hands with freddie franz.
i was awe struck.
kind of like when i shook hands with michael dorn except for totally different reasons..
I shook hands with SIMON . . .
I have kissed LITTLE TOE, on both (face) cheeks (A la Francaise)
I have talked with FARKEL on the phone . . .
I sat behind PAUL BREMER, at a book reading by his wife.
I was 2 feet away from KEN BURNS, at a Medieval Fair....
"Cornered" a street cornerer today
by Jez inthought today that i would try to get some questions answered.
i wanted to see if he could answer my concerns and was looking forward to a nice discussion or some peace regarding some things that are driving me crazy.. so, i saw this older 'wise' looking gentleman on the street holding up some mags.
so, i approached him.
"That is not very nice sir, you are on the street, trying to provide ppl with the truth about the bible, opening yourself up to questions and comments, you have the perfect opportunity to show me the love of God and yet you show me the opposite, you show me hate, a gleeful delight in the destruction of mankind, religious intolerance, an arrogant attitude and an inability to answer even ONE of my questions."
Brillant ! Hopefully this guy will start questionning his beliefs.... One can only hope.
Armageddon Okies - three cheers for Gary Busselman
by unclebruce inarmageddon okies - part i pretty true stories by gary busselman
#4 letter from home - new kingdom hall.
dear randy,.
GaryBuss is one of the best!
I'm off to the beach tommorrow so I don't care
Beach ! Beach ! It's 5 degrees Fahrenheit here this morning....
This will knock your socks off
by hijack inhttp://www.cultureshocksolution.org/public_html/jw%20secret%20book.htm
is anyone familiar with this?
does anyone have links to the secret elders manual?.
Thanks for the link UncleBruce. It's in my favorites to continue reading when I have more time.
Uncle: Ist that you in the pic ? Where's your beard?
Since I Got Tired Of Telling People My Exact Ethnicity..
by ColdRedRain inhere.
don't ask me to type it out anymore.
ColdRedRain, fascinating... So your ancestors came from France and Great Britain, your great-great-grandparents. Your great-grandparents were Latino and Black. Your grand-parents were from India and Iran (not sure of the flag). and your parents were Jewish and Native American.... Did I get any of it right ?
are British people boring?
by Ellie in.
i've just read a news article that stated that in a recent international survey, britain was voted the best country in the world, but the british people the most boring.. i do wonder what people think of us brits, they seem to have some wild idea that we all drink tea and play cricket, they seem quite unaware of the loutish behaviour that many of us are embaressed about.. what do you think?
British People, boring ??? No way ! Anyone who thinks so has never been to Great-Britain, and hasn't met EMan ad Her ladyship, or Simon and Angharad, or Sirona, or Ballistic, or tijkmo, or Funkyderek, or Little Toe, ... etc...