I once had a conversation (I use the word loosely) with a pioneer sister for 20 minutes about the color of her nail polish and how she likes shiny instead of frosted nail polish. It was truly fascinating. Also, there were always these sister who you quickly learned not to ask "how are you?" because you knew if you did you'd be subjected to an entire low down of their latest illness and all their doctor's visits, medications, differential diagnoses, etc. It was also truly amazing some of the people who could comment over and over again during the Watchtower. Once they got a hold of that microphone you couldn't get it away from them. They could babble on and on and really not say anything. When they finally finished their comment I'd be thinking to myself, now what did they really say. Not much of anything, just a bunch of words spewing out of their mouth.
JoinedPosts by MsShockJock
Why is it so hard to have meaningful conversation at the Kingdom Hall?
by truthseeker indid any of you stuggle for have good conversations with the friends, before and after meetings?
i know i did.. by meaningful conversations, i mean in-depth discussions about events, news, beliefs.
it seems that jw's .
If New Light (TM) is so important...
by Elsewhere in.
why doesn't the wts point out the new light (tm) when it is published and do a compare and contrast study so jws are fully aware of the change and the ramifications of the change?.
to this day there are many jws who are unaware of the generation change in 1995.
lol. That's sound so typical of the witnoids. They are very good at using people. I felt like I was on everybodies invite list when it came to baby showers, bridal showers, anniversary parties, house warmings, anything that required bringing a gift, and a dish to pass. I rarely got invited to anything else.
After a while of having so many bricks packed on and none ever being removed you have to leave to preserve yourself or relieve yourself from the burden. I gave up everything when I became a witnesses, family, friends, the chance to marry and have children, and got absolutely nothing in return.
If New Light (TM) is so important...
by Elsewhere in.
why doesn't the wts point out the new light (tm) when it is published and do a compare and contrast study so jws are fully aware of the change and the ramifications of the change?.
to this day there are many jws who are unaware of the generation change in 1995.
I hear ya. It became a social thing. Getting through the meetings was what it was all about, which became more and more difficult as time went on.
Is that Kenny Rogers I'm talk to?
If New Light (TM) is so important...
by Elsewhere in.
why doesn't the wts point out the new light (tm) when it is published and do a compare and contrast study so jws are fully aware of the change and the ramifications of the change?.
to this day there are many jws who are unaware of the generation change in 1995.
I think most witnesses sit through the meetings and don't even really hear what is being said from the platform. "Thinking persons" (a term the WT likes to use) can't tolerate the meetings becuase there are so many contradications and puzzling things being said. I used to drive myself nuts trying to figure out what things meant. When I would sit down to study the WT I couldn't even get through it becuase I had so many questions that I kept looking for the answers to and I would get side tracked from the actual article. Then I would get to the meeting and it still didn't make any sense. People would make these long, drawn out comments and afterward I would just shake my head and say 'Now what did they really say here' and I'm be more confused. It all sounded like a lot of double talk to me. So eventually my mind just went into day dream/sleep mode at the meetings. It was just easier that way. If you ever go to a meeting at the KH again Jaffacake just look around at all the blank stares on people's faces and you'll see what I mean.
Native American Artifacts
by IP_SEC inmy great grand father was one half cherokee, he taught me about making flint tools and a lot about the land.. his son, my grand father taught me how to find flint tools lol.. the area i'm from is literally littered, with these tools laying right on the ground.
some may have been lost in the hunt, others discarded as a broken implement.
have you ever found artifacts?
I have only found one arrowhead in my lifetime. When I was a teenager was walking in a cornfield near a river in my hometown in northern Illinois and noticed something jutting up out of the dirt. I picked it up and rubbed off the dirt and couldn't beleive what I saw. It was the most spectacular specimen of an arrowhead I have ever seen. It was made of sugar quartz, about 3-4 inches long. I later read that there was a large tribe of Potawatami indians settled there just east of the river in the early 1800s in the exact spot I had found the arrowhead. In the fall of 1835 the indians were moved west of the Mississippi. They were the last indians in this area. I still have the arrowhead.
Speaking slowly "for the sisters"
by Grace ini was looking at the long list of jw "don'ts" and "can'ts" someone posted here and i was reminded of a talk at the service meeting an elder gave once.
it was from one of the most elementary of publications (aren't they all???
) and the elder on the platform said, "i'll speak slowly for the sisters.
That reminds me of a comment by an elder's wife saying, "Now sisters, if you have dirty dishes in your sink and unfinished laundry or housework you outta not be out in service. I was sitting up front and I turned to look at her with my mouth gaping open. I'm sure that's what I would have done had I heard that brother make that comment about speaking slowly for the sisters. He's nothing but scummy dross in my book.
What's Your Favorite JW Expressions?
by minimus ini like "theocratic strategy", "new light", "the slave", and "lovers of truth"......anything that you find amusing?
I was waiting for someone to mention that one.......
Friends, we are deep into the end of this system of things.....
How long can they keep saying that? -
Name Some Trivial Things That Are Big Deals To JWs
by minimus inso many things come to mind to show how silly jws sound in reality.
for example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother.
or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a jw.
I once gave a young brother 15 years my junior a ride home from an afternoon meeting. Rumors started flying that we were dating. Please.............
Name Some Trivial Things That Are Big Deals To JWs
by minimus inso many things come to mind to show how silly jws sound in reality.
for example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother.
or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a jw.
I always had a problem with not saying God bless you when somebody sneezed. I had a job interview where the interviewer sneezed and I (the interviewee) just ignored it. I swear that's why I didn't get the job. I think it is really rude to not say bless you. Does god really care about something so trivial. I think not.
JW terminology really gets my goat
by Ellie in.
i don't know if its just me or if anyone else feels the same but it really annoys me when jehovahs witnesses use their terminology when speaking to a non jw.. for example, a jw woman is talking to a collegue who has never had a bible study and knows nothing about jws.. instead of saying "i have a friend coming for tea tonight" the woman says " one of the sisters is coming for tea tonight".. or, instead of "i was talking to a friend on the phone last night" she says "i was talking to an elder on the phone last night".. it just really winds me up, i think they do it to seem important and mysterious but it only leaves the other person confused.
My favorite one was sheep....Jehovah's sheep-like people as opposed to goat-like worldlings. I always preferred goats to sheep anyway. Goats have much more personality.