So many things come to mind to show how silly JWs sound in reality. For example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother. Or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a JW. Sisters feel proud that they are allowed to give talks in the School or even "pioneer".......Anything else that comes to your mind??
Name Some Trivial Things That Are Big Deals To JWs
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.
fleaman uk
The privilege of reaching out.
When i was an MS i was delegated to all the time by lazy Ass Elders.
All the jobs delegated to me were a form of community service too.Cutting old Sisters Lawns(fair enough).Painting a Old Brothers Fence and fixing panels(yeah,didnt mind that either) but the killer was when an Elder (i was his book stud assistant)got me to help him lay a Patio down at a old Sisters one Saturday Morning...instead of ministry...but then i heard he invoiced her for the Work!!!! thats a whole differant thread
But yeah,i willingly did (fell for)all that it was a big deal being a Ministerial servant.
A really ridiculous Privilege.
Funny thing. I've worn a tie , I think 3 times in approximately, the last 3 years
Seeing other JWs in public
Fleaman, that elder had some balls!!! Whew!
"Seeing other JWs in public".......That's a good one! The glee of seeing an actual "brother" or "sister" that was one of us----especially on vacation! When I'd know they were a Witness, I'd avoid them like the plague. No fun in being told on while on vaca!
JWs who correct you in public when you say "good luck" but are known for using the F-bomb frequently at work.
JWs that make a sister out in service with a brother alone sit in the back seat, but then want all the unnecessary sexual details from a sister in a JC.
They make a big deal about how shocking it is that parents lie to their kids that Santa Claus exists! That lie pales into insignificance now I think of the million lies that were told me to make me conform - the biggest being that they are God's organised religion on earth!
Blondie, they'll say, "Good Fortune", instead. Even talking to a sister in front of people in the KH still get an elder counseled by the elders because the sister asked a simple question and the undiscerning elder did not get another elder to listen to the question.