Name Some Trivial Things That Are Big Deals To JWs

by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    So many things come to mind to show how silly JWs sound in reality. For example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother. Or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a JW. Sisters feel proud that they are allowed to give talks in the School or even "pioneer".......Anything else that comes to your mind??

  • ozziepost


    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    The privilege of reaching out.

    When i was an MS i was delegated to all the time by lazy Ass Elders.

    All the jobs delegated to me were a form of community service too.Cutting old Sisters Lawns(fair enough).Painting a Old Brothers Fence and fixing panels(yeah,didnt mind that either) but the killer was when an Elder (i was his book stud assistant)got me to help him lay a Patio down at a old Sisters one Saturday Morning...instead of ministry...but then i heard he invoiced her for the Work!!!! thats a whole differant thread

    But yeah,i willingly did (fell for)all that it was a big deal being a Ministerial servant.

    A really ridiculous Privilege.

  • minimus

    Funny thing. I've worn a tie , I think 3 times in approximately, the last 3 years

  • Elsewhere


    Seeing other JWs in public

  • minimus

    Fleaman, that elder had some balls!!! Whew!

  • minimus

    "Seeing other JWs in public".......That's a good one! The glee of seeing an actual "brother" or "sister" that was one of us----especially on vacation! When I'd know they were a Witness, I'd avoid them like the plague. No fun in being told on while on vaca!

  • blondie

    JWs who correct you in public when you say "good luck" but are known for using the F-bomb frequently at work.

    JWs that make a sister out in service with a brother alone sit in the back seat, but then want all the unnecessary sexual details from a sister in a JC.

  • Crumpet

    They make a big deal about how shocking it is that parents lie to their kids that Santa Claus exists! That lie pales into insignificance now I think of the million lies that were told me to make me conform - the biggest being that they are God's organised religion on earth!

  • minimus

    Blondie, they'll say, "Good Fortune", instead. Even talking to a sister in front of people in the KH still get an elder counseled by the elders because the sister asked a simple question and the undiscerning elder did not get another elder to listen to the question.

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