This board can be addicting, can't it?
Here's a quote from an old classic. We used to say it when they handed out the badges for the district assemblies.
"Badges, we don't need no sticking badges."
one at a time.
guess the qoute above you and give one for the next person.
"nobody makes me bleed my own blood, nobody!
This board can be addicting, can't it?
Here's a quote from an old classic. We used to say it when they handed out the badges for the district assemblies.
"Badges, we don't need no sticking badges."
well my wife totally got on my nerves last night.
i was trying to work out some compromises on the holidays with her.
i spent a ton of time thinking about it, studying about it, and writing things down.
You might try saying something like is that how Jesus would treat people or talk to people, or do you think Jesus would approve of you treating your husband in such a condescending way. It's just a thought. Sometimes witnesses forget they are supposed to be christians and acting as Jesus would.
- what you think is the worst the wts has done?.
- what doctrine of the wts is the worst?
I agree Moshe. I have often thought about all the waste of paper (trees) for the enormous amount of literature they print at Bethel. Every witness I knew had at least a 2-3 foot high stack of old magazines in their homes that never got placed and usually ended up in the garbage can or at the back of the kingdom hall for the pioneers to leave at gas stations and laundry matts, which eventually made it into the garbage cans there. The society prints way too many magazines knowing they are not in circulation just so they can claim high published volumes on the inside cover of the WT and Awake. It's a tremendous waste of resources. Just print what is needed and admit there aren't that many magazines in circulation.
- what you think is the worst the wts has done?.
- what doctrine of the wts is the worst?
oh, just thought of another one that I think is so greedy and deceitful......
Encouraging people to make out wills leaving all of their assets to the society. Some of the people doing this have relatives who will not be taken care of because they have turned everything over to the society. Reminds me of that scripture about corban (sp?) where the person gave money to the temple so he wouldn't have to take care of his family.
- what you think is the worst the wts has done?.
- what doctrine of the wts is the worst?
This probably isn't the worst thing the society has done but it has to be up there, and is so widespread....
The wasting of young people's lives by encouraging them to pioneer (i.e., drive around in cars all day wasting precious time, money, and gasoline, etc.) and not get an education or a job that they can support themselves at and to serve at Bethel as slave laborers and pay them absolutely nothing. Also, encouraging young ones to marry before they even know who they are or what they want to do with their lives.
Old flame, that's for sure. The sad thing is they judge their own brothers and sisters as to who is worthy (or deserving) or not, as well. Very judgmental people they are.
It's statements like "When we take care of deserving ones to the extent that our circumstances....... blah, blah, blah, that just drives me crazy. So what the governing body is saying is, many who were displaced by Katrina are not deserving of being helped. Another words, all worldly people are not deserving of being helped but Jehovah's people are. They make me sick. Who are they to judge people like that. Is that what being a good samaritan is to them. Only helping your brothers and sisters. Are we not all brothers and sisters on this planet?
someone posted on another thread: the cong.
i came from we were not allowed to watch football though i'm sure some did on the sly.
football was likened to the christians being torn apart at the coliseum.
The congregation I attended had super bowl parties. There was a couple who always had their "annual" super bowl party sending out invitations weeks in advance requesting RSVP's and everybody to bring a couple of 2 liters of soda and an appetizer to share . There were probably 30-40 people who came and enough food and drink for probably 100 people. I still think the couple did that so they would have groceries for the next couple of weeks as they were always known to have gatherings where everybody invited provided the food. The only thing they provided was a rented big screen TV which blared throughout the party. All the sisters ended up sitting out in the kitchen trying to carry on conversations over all the noise while the brothers watched the game in the living room....a real upbuilding, spiritual gathering. lol.
as most of us here are aware, the watchtower "study" weekly meeting is no "study" at all.
paragraphs are read, pre-arranged questions are asked, and the "correct" answer is a slight re-wording of the sentences in the paragraph.. however, sometimes (many times?
depending on the congregation), members could use the study as a way to publicly air their opinions on a variety of topics, without fear of interruption (so long as the answer was couched in enough "theocratese").
There was an elder at my hall who was very social, always having big get-togethers at his house. Another elder was giving a talk about the qualifications of elders and ministerial servants and he mentioned that an elder would never want to be thought of as a "party elder". I happened to be sitting near the elder who was always having the get-togethers and noticed his reaction. He looked so annoyed, of course, knowing the speaker was talking about him. I wondered if he took him aside later and told him off.
did any of you stuggle for have good conversations with the friends, before and after meetings?
i know i did.. by meaningful conversations, i mean in-depth discussions about events, news, beliefs.
it seems that jw's .
I once had a conversation (I use the word loosely) with a pioneer sister for 20 minutes about the color of her nail polish and how she likes shiny instead of frosted nail polish. It was truly fascinating. Also, there were always these sister who you quickly learned not to ask "how are you?" because you knew if you did you'd be subjected to an entire low down of their latest illness and all their doctor's visits, medications, differential diagnoses, etc. It was also truly amazing some of the people who could comment over and over again during the Watchtower. Once they got a hold of that microphone you couldn't get it away from them. They could babble on and on and really not say anything. When they finally finished their comment I'd be thinking to myself, now what did they really say. Not much of anything, just a bunch of words spewing out of their mouth.