My cousin is an elder and many years ago he got into a couple of the pyramid schemes. I was most offended when he invited me round and then made me sit down and watch a cheesy video trying to recruit us to the pyramid.
The worst type of pyramid scheme are those where there is really no product, but each person has to pay a large fee for the priviledge of joining the selling scheme. The product is just an excuse for the pyramid, and generates very little by way of sales. The real money is in commission from recuiting the next line of people. Each person is supposed to recruit 6 people and gets a commission on each person recruited underneath them, from the joining fee they have paid. I worked out that by line 12 the whole world would have to be recruited (or something silly like that).
I dodnt join, and I will always remember my cousins smug derision of my decision - "well, WHEN I get my first cheque for £10,000 I will show you". That was in 1989, and he still hasnt shown me. Stupid cretin.
I believe this type of scheme is illegal now due to is economy busting potential?