Confetti - I would have loved confetti at my wedding.
Im gonna have it this time round. And im gonna have an orgy... ah ... no ...thats not just a witnoid thing is it? I find it all so confusing...
so many things come to mind to show how silly jws sound in reality.
for example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother.
or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a jw.
Confetti - I would have loved confetti at my wedding.
Im gonna have it this time round. And im gonna have an orgy... ah ... no ...thats not just a witnoid thing is it? I find it all so confusing...
goog morning everybody.. and what a beautiful day.
new york today is displaying it's summers's finest with another glorious warm day.. i hope its all good for you too across jwd land.. steve
Ozzie - just being nosey really...
Are you really serving at Aussie Bethel? Please reveal all (so to speak!)
Weather is lovely in Gloucester UK today. I have a 30 min drive to work through the most beautiful countryside, my school is nestled in a small town with rolling hills as a backdrop. My daughter is beautiful, my partner loves me, my house is clean. I sometimes cant believe how lucky I am.
did you ever have a hot dispute with someone for whatever reason a dentist that messed up your teeth or a lawyer that stubbed you his client in the back by doing a secret deal with your opponents, someone that sold you expensive shoddy goods or a teacher that gave you unreasonably low marks?
or someone that caused a car accident and in the absence of any witnesses blamed you for it?
I hate confrontation, so I dont generally have a hottie about anything BUT check this out...
I was waiting at a roundabout and I nearly pulled out on a car that was going pretty quick - it was his right of way. BUT I didnt actually pull out, and I didnt move really, so he didnt have to slow down or swerve. But as he drove past me he made the most disgusting hand gesture I have ever seen coupled with this super angry face - to tell me what an asshole incompetent bl00dy woman driver I was. Ever noticed theres no hand signal for sorry?
So i followed him home.
Now he must have seen me following, and was probably thinking I was going to start shouting at him. And I was thinking how he would start shouting at me defensively if I started shouting at him.
So when he got out of the car I got out and I said "Im really sorry I nearly pulled out on you, but I misjudged your speed". Well the poor guy couldnt apologise enough - he was falling over himself with excuses for how he never should have done that to a lady, and were we friends now, and no hard feelings etc etc
Boy, was i glad he did that and not punch my lights out instead!!
right so i have a younger cousin that works with me (helped him get a job with my company because in s.a you gotto pray you know someone who can help you get a job).
as you know i've left the borg - he's still very much into it.
so yesturday myself, him & a mutual college go off for a lunch at the keg - we order our food and when it comes, he bows his head and prays....silenty - the waitress comes over and thinks he's fallen asleep (narcarpsy sp???
I went for a run round the field at the back of my house the other day and there was a moslem cricket team about to start, and they were all in a row facing east bums in the air (like they just don' care...) Well my first reaction was to try and pull my t-shirt over my knees as I ran past, cos I know how those guys think the sight of a womans body is a disgusting thing (even tho I know my body is the least disgusting thing in a 10 mile radius )
But then later I thought, well I didnt ask them to bob to allah on my running track, and I also thought that god bobbin' takes a lot of nuts.
So mixed feelings really, respect, awe, pain-in-the-assness (is that a feeling?) I guess it takes all sorts.
BUT - when I see witnoids doing their thing in public it really pisses me off - I think because of the emotional connections of been having forced to do it myself.
so many things come to mind to show how silly jws sound in reality.
for example, being allowed to pass the microphones is a big deal, especially to a young brother.
or being given the "privilege" of cutting the grass or working on a "quick-build" is really something special to a jw.
They make a big deal out of a brother sitting on that chair at the back of the hall.
I once sat there to see what would happen, and boy you should have seen those elders jump - they said "can you move please sister" and I said "why?" and honestly they couldnt justify it because its one of those unspoken rules that everyone just follows. If you verbalise it, it sounds stupid.
They couldnt say 'because brother should sit there, because in fact a brother was sitting there as well - my husband! I resisted a bit more and said ' i just want to sit nexto my husband' but they were nearly shitting their pants trying to get my fanny off that male only seat. So in the end I moved.
there is much discussion here about the bible.
some might see that after hundreds of years of argument and controversy no two people interpret the damn thing exactly the same, and so they have acquired the wisdom to abandon it.
there is a story which goes like this: .
Im a mathematics teacher. I think the only real truth that can be found is in maths. (I think science is pretty close, but is subject to more hypotheses. Maths is just pure clean bright light - in my opinion!)
I think there are other absolute objective truths, e.g. either we are reincarnated when we die or we are not - but I dont think we will ever be able to find out those truths.
I guess its the guessing that makes life so interesting, and the fact that some people are able to talk about their different ideas without feeling the need to shun those who dont share them.
and what an eye opener it was...dont get me wrong i faded some 10 years ago and the reasons for such were contained in the book, i.e 1914, failed prophecies and so forth.. the expose is disarming by its objective style and whilst i now read any literature through sceptical eyes i could see a person genuinely grieved by what had taken place and the crisis he was subjected to conscientiously; it said it all to me when he said that his aim was not to divert people from the jws but give them support so they could develop as christians and therefore allow them to come to their own conclusions (or words to that effect).. extremely well written and consise with reams of references (which i happen to love).. anyone that is recently out must read this objective, honest and was totally surprising in parts.. db74
What hit me was when he said they dont pray or refer to the bible when they have their governing body meetings - they dont get the minutes of meetings before hand so they cant research any points raised before hand - they just make a string of d/f decisions about people they have never heard of, and they make doctrine decisions the same way. Also amazed that strong personalities could streamroller other brothers on issues of doctrine, and it only took a majority vote to alter a doctrine - and all without opening the bible ONCE!!
At KH they fed us this blarney about them sitting down and prayerfully considering things and being led by Jehoba - prayerfully considering the scriptures - they told us. I used to imagine them being dead holy and humble. Couldnt have been more wrong. What an insight.
And of course the Malawi / Mexico thing made me cry with hurt and shame and anger. I used to pray every night for those poor Malawi Brothers when I was a kid, and now I find out it was all totally unneccessary.
i have been a regular visitor to this forum for the past 2 years or so, finally i got the courage to register.. you guys are an inspiration , your stories and experiences have helped me to take a stand against this controlling org.. in short, i was raised from birth as a jw, parents are from the old school very much hard liners, the society is their god.
is expected of you, get baptised as a teenager become a ms then elder.
i always had my doubts about the society and its teachings but was.
Hi stress free,
Im amazed at how many people have joined even since I joined a few days ago, its fantastic! The dubs would be wondering how we manage to get so many recruits so easily (if they only knew)!!
Welcome to the board.
just had breakfast in town with a newly-departed local dub elder.. he told me that here in weston, one brother was reported to the elders for frequenting a local betting shop.
the person grassing was a sister.
she claimed to have witnessed (hah!
There was an old sister in our congregation who used to smoke. Well, all these elders wives suspected her of it cos her house smelled, but then she lived in sheltered accomodation, so maybe it was Dorrie across the corridor they could smell.
My mum never believed it until one day the old sister had one in our bathroom ha hah ahha hahhahha hha. Still, it wasnt us that grassed her up, they worked it out for themselves, and guess what? The possie of elders went over the corridor and admonished old Dorrie as well for leading the old sister astray! Who the hell do they think they are having a go at non dubs too???
and what an eye opener it was...dont get me wrong i faded some 10 years ago and the reasons for such were contained in the book, i.e 1914, failed prophecies and so forth.. the expose is disarming by its objective style and whilst i now read any literature through sceptical eyes i could see a person genuinely grieved by what had taken place and the crisis he was subjected to conscientiously; it said it all to me when he said that his aim was not to divert people from the jws but give them support so they could develop as christians and therefore allow them to come to their own conclusions (or words to that effect).. extremely well written and consise with reams of references (which i happen to love).. anyone that is recently out must read this objective, honest and was totally surprising in parts.. db74
It made me think what a load of codswallop all this 'apostacy' rubbish is, telling us not to read anything because it will ruin our faith - because it will educate us objectively more like. After I had read it I thought - there is no such thing as the apostacy, they just made it up, like the booger man in the cupboard, to keep us in line.
Ray Franz has way more reasons than most to be bitter and vindictive, but his style is unbelievably loving and tolerant. He just doesnt slag anyone off at all, he makes no comments that are emotionally loaded, he is a genuine spiritual person. He makes me wish I still believed in something. He really encourages people to love god.
I would reccomend everyone to read it, its an unbelievable read.