My bed, just after I have changed all the linen, and its all crisp and cotton white, with the sun streaming in at the window, honey mellow and sleepy, a slight breeze teasing the muslin curtains, with a whole afternoon of nothingness ahead of me.
JoinedPosts by katiekitten
Do you have one favorite place on earth?
by AK - Jeff ini mean a specific location that you would go to time and again to just sit and look and enjoy?
or a favorite vacation destination?.
i love the cascade mountains as example.
For those who think they know everything
by free2beme infor those of you who just thought you knew everything, here's a refresher course................ .
the liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.. .
no piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven (7) times.. .
Hire a teenager while they still know everything.
It took them exactly 13 hours from the news broadcast ...
by kwintestal in.
... to ring at my door.. i didn't answer, why bother.
i got a phone.. kwin
They cant come after him, the poor guy works 50 hours a week on a bus - theyve gotta find him first.
Jeez all power to you Kwin, no-one has the right to make you justify yourself, or make any personal comments about your circumstances - you are the victim here. I dont remember reading anywhere that said genuine victims of abuse may only be tax payers.
Youve got an army of sympathisers and supporters here - the fact that I am in a completely diferent country, and therefore of no practical use to you is besides the point...
Transcript - - Kwintestal's interview with GLOBAL TV
by talesin inhi, folks.
well, it was about a minute or so, but really good points were made, and i have a copy on tape.
it ran twice on the suppertime news, and once on the late evening broadcast.
Fantastic brave people. I am in awe of your courage and integrity.
Well done!
Could Michael Jackson Be Seeking Re-instatement?
by Kenneson ini can't help but wonder if mj is trying to get in good graces with jehovah's witnesses in order to be re-instated.
or, whether he feels attending kingdom hall gives him a better image.
or whether he just wants his children to have some type of religious following.
Dear lord, can you imagine him going out on field service - he'd need a retinue with him, one to wipe the door bell for him, one to knock the door, one to hold a hanky over his nose so the householder doesnt give him germs.
Moonwalks backwards down the path - "Good HEEE HHEEEEH morning, SHAMMOHH" (grabs crotch)
Describe Your Personality
by minimus inwhat type of person are you?
are you outgoing, charming, sweet, thoughtful, humorous?
all right.
You cant keep away from us - we flirt soooo gooooood....
Small Vacation
by Sparkplug ini just had to share.
i took a week off of work.
i have been burning the candle ends and middle and am so worn out.
I put a quilt on the sofa downstairs - it reminds me of being off school sick and being looked after.
Have a good rest.
Describe Your Personality
by minimus inwhat type of person are you?
are you outgoing, charming, sweet, thoughtful, humorous?
all right.
funny, lively, ideas generator, flirtatious prick tease (dont mean to be, but seem to have a deep need to be liked and only seem to know how to use feminine wile to achieve aim)
I have had periods in my life when i have been a liar, deceitful, self protecting, selfish.
Moved to tears at injustice, wilful or stupid cruelty.
All i want out of life is world peace and a flat stomach
by tijkmo inso study of the new brochure- keep on the watch started this week pretty much world-wide.
this is from page 1. .
note the religious scene says .
Personal Security: Aint it Awful.
The Religious Scene: Aint it AWful
The Environment: Aint it AWFUL!
They want people to be fearful of everything, because fear breeds prejudice and narrow mindedness. Its easy to keep frightened people in line, all you have to shout is 'apostate' and theyre in the palm of your hand.
would dubs ever go into field service if there was no record-keeping?
by zagor indo you think that any dub would ever go into field service if they didnt have to record hours of service?
i dont believe it at all.
in fact, you could see that everything they do is because there is some sort of record keeping behind it, i.e.
WOW, it would never occur to me to write down time I hadnt done. God was watching me ALL THE TIME.