Good job were half a world apart Zagor, cos I could feel those irresistable I.T. waves comin' at me.
JoinedPosts by katiekitten
Breaking News--Better things are happening
by JohnHag ingood news friends-you can all go back now- the watchtower has dfd all on the governing body that was with the un for those 10 years-----also 678 of the annointed have been dfd for not seing this stupid mistake- also from now on you will not have to turn time in each month- this will mean one will witness out of love instead of pleasing the elder in charge of the time slips- also beginning in sept the watchtower will only be printed once a month- there will be 5 spiritual food lessons in the seetower this will give us all we need for a month--also in order to get the work done we have also cut the awake down to once a month--this will free up the brothers to take care of their properties like those in the world do-and also when a child has been touched or abused he must call 911 right away--this will keep the congreation much cleaner- also for those 3 day hot sunny assemblies that also has been cut to one day- mothers can bring strollers- because the people who made strollers made them for a reason--also no more meetings at the friends home for a book study--they need their home like everybody else does--and also starting in october there will only be one meeting a week--we can all get enough of spiritual food out of that one day--and also if one wants to celebrate christmas that will be on his or her conscience- they are not to be looked down upon---also if one is in need of a blood transfusion that person has that right- it is no bodys business--also elders are no longer allowed to walk around like roosters as if they are the cock of the flock- the elders no longer will walk around before a meeting shuffling a lot of paper like they do at the pentagon---yes friends things are looking better--it feels so good to have seen the light--well we always told you the light was getting brighter--now you know what we meant---and to all those older ones who loved country music like hank williams- merle haggard-conway twitty -johnny cash--etc--you may now buy their cds and it wont be considered idioltary anymore-you can also now buy a 2 door car and no one will say you are not theocratic- they will be dfd if they say anything--mothers that have young children may not touch that child--you can now go home early if the child acts up-also ray franz is coming back to be our leader- we owe that brother so much--i only hope we can make it up to him before armageddon--we can now say good morning to others going to church on sundays- after all they are human like us-we also have appointed a elder to answer all your doubts- you now have the right to ask anything that worries you or anything yo have doubts about--it will be noones businss about your doubts--so stay tuned flock--better things are coming--
What is you (or somebodies) best blooper in the KH?
by DannyBloem infor example: we had a 'faithfull' brother getting older and confused.
when something did not really went as he liked it (didn't get the answer etc) he shouted very loudly 'god doom me in the hell!
one time i had to do the closing prayer on the midweek meeting.
Thats just reminded me of some things I did as a kid - not bloopers in the KH, but KH related.
I had been invited to a kids house for tea - her mum was having a bible study with an elder. Me and this kid were talking at the teatable, we were about 7. This kids parents were divorced, and was telling me quite embarrasing things about how her mum and dad fought. I felt sorry for the kid and thought it would help if i mutually disclosed. So i told her that my dad had thrown the ketchup bottle at my mum in an argument and the sauce had gone all over the ceiling. (It was true).
The mum must have been listening, and promptly grassed up my fighting parents to the elder she was studying with (I thought you people didnt do things like that). The elders bollocked my parents, and my parents bollocked me.
Well I didnt throw the chuffin' sauce bottle did I?? I was only 7.
Secondly, I once wrote in my day book at school when I was 5 (it was at Christmas and we wer supposed to be writing about what we were looking forwrd to at christmas, but I had special dispensation to 'just write anything'). So I wrote "I do not celebrate christmas. I have lots of problems but I do not mind I can cope with them. It does not matter".
The school got in touch with my parents. I got bollocked.
(ive still got the day book, I showed my partner it the other day. Id be totally fooking humiliated if my daughter wrote anything like that.)
Finally, I found the REAL truth!
by N at H inhello everyone, just wanted to say hello and let you know a bit about my story and tell you how thankful i am that i found this site!.
i was never a baptized jw although in the early 90's i studied for about 3 years and was an un-baptized publisher for about 1 year before my doubts about some of the beliefs and also my inability to overlook the constant hypocracy of the elders did me in.
sadly it was not before i dragged the love of my life into it, and also my sister (they are both baptized although she left after seeing the elders double standards when it came to doling out counsel/punishment to their own families, he is still in) anyway even though i couldn't bring myself to commit to the org because of the crap i saw going on in the 2 different halls i attended i still believed it was the truth...what an idiot!
Welcome N@H.
That guilt is awful isnt it. I still believed the troof when I left, I just couldnt do it anymore. I thought I was a really bad person because I left for wicked reasons (my marriage had broken up and I wanted to sleep with someone I wasnt married to) unlike some people I know who had left for purely doctrinal reasons.
So the first time I did the deed I thought 'well, thats it, im going to die at Armageddon now'. In fact I was thinking it as we were doing it - talk about a passion killer!!
It was about 7 years later when I read COC that I realised maybe I wasnt going to die a horrible fire and brimstone death along with my lovely daughter and new partner within the next few years. What a relief!
I look forward to reading your posts.
Pink Floyd reformed and playing at the London Live 8 concert
by jimakazi inmy all time favorite band pink floyd has reformed - with roger waters too - for the live 8 concert.. as a teenage i used to chill out to the floyd.
the song "comfortably numb" somehow resonates with me.
anyway live 8 starts in an hour or so [1 am nz] and i'll be up all night enjoying it.
I was outraged when scissor sisters covered that song, but after a great album from SS I forgave them.
They said sorry to me, they wont do it again. They told it to me at Glastonbury last year. We were all in a mushroom field, chillin' with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judge Rutherford.
M A B S because ahm a londoner that ah love London town
(maybe its because im a londoner ...)
Knock Knock
mayonnaise who?
A Bio of Millions
by millions now living are dead ini thought i would give a quick bio of myself.
i was raised a dubber.
every stinkin' family member of mine is a jw including a huge extended family.
Come and kick and scream with us! Its good to have you.
theres an echo round here (here here here)