I saw some of the quotes coming out of the new Assembly brochure "Return to Jehovah", why would anyone abused by the Congregation decide to return for more hate by the congregation? Jehovah's Witness are the first one's who tell you "We are God's Organization because we are the only religion that has the love Jesus Christ spoke about!", that's a big whooper! Recently the Organization said "They would not become totally corrupt"(recent Watchtower Speaker said) which implies it's corrupted, right? You and only the Watchtower's victims of these Kingdom Halls truly know how deep their hate runs. There are Elders and Elders wives with their conduct that helped you exit straight out the door after suffering so long. These same ones who are satisfied by hurting others only prove their place in Gehenna is secured and Jehovah want's nothing to do with them! Think about how Jehovah's Witnesses in action don't care about their fellow mankind and the suffering of different groups around the are enduring, they don't care what happens to others in the World. We heard about countries JWs suffered in but what did they do to get others to notice their afflictions? Did they help other people's plights get noticed with their Global Magazines and try to expose the suffering or worry about themselves?
Recently a barge sunk off the coast of Libya with refugees from Senegal, Nigeria, Mawli(biggest Marine disaster in history maybe) and various other countries suffering from massive bloodshed while the Watchtower remains silent unless their personally effected! Think back about how the Watchtower asked you to write so the Witnesses (not Mormons, nor Christians or any other prisoners of conscience they could help) might get freedom in Eritrea, avoid paying taxes in France and religious freedom in Russia. As stated before, they don't lift a finger to aid any other group suffering the same persecutions Jehovah's Witnesses are because The Watchtower Companies don't consider them human unless their promoting the Watchtower's Agenda. Witnesses don't consider non-Witnesses lives as equal value, you never heard them pray (I heard many times, "No Witnesses lived their so no real issue!"
Let me say this again, why would anyone who got their self-worth back, finally got over the guilt and heart pounding anxiety Meetings brought each week desire to take up the Billion Dollar Company's offer to Return to Jehovah's "Man Made Organization" that recently admitted the suffering the Witnesses who left was from a corruption they know was brought about by their unpaid Elders and glory crazed Elderettes? Couples who are the stumbling blocks Jesus warned us about, they don't care if they caused the "little ones to fall away" because their plain evil (Matt 18:16), (Mark 9:42), (Luke 17:2)! Jesus said "A Wicked Tree Can't Produce Good Fruit" (Matt 7:18) so why would you try to graft yourself as a good branch to a tree infested by spiritual bacteria, bugs and fungus and defiling yourself because the Farmer (Organization) refuses to use preventative care and maintenance because their too worried about kicking people out of the Organization instead of caring for those who really once loved it?