A large portion of outspoken Evangelicals don't rely on End Time Prophets like Hal Lindsay's collection (starting in 1969) "The Late Great Planet Earth" and Dr. Harold Camping's End Time predictions, all the prophets of the Rapture are remnants of a time past. I read nice articles by good writers who are not focused on grinding your teeth, preventing people from living a good life or the "doctrine of fear". These guys are brutal against Cults, they don't like people who mistreat others(Shunning is ineffective and demonic according to them) unless the person is someone who hurts little children or blows people up or extorts and extracts illicit gains via things like "child labor", "sex trade", "drug thugs" and "terrorist". The Watchtower can't even come forward with any statement against the killings, the maiming of Christians through Radical Islamic regions.
When was the last time you heard of a Watchtower defender going before the students at Oxford or Harvard to share their wisdom, their social morals to change people's greed or offer cups of water to peaceful protesters trying to change the abuse in their community?
The Watchtower has morphed in to a 700 Club, PTL or Jimmy Swaggart type Organization except they don't show pictures of the starving children or interview the missionaries working to change poverty, develop clean drinking water or solar stoves in Africa and Asia. The Watchtower besides the West-borough Baptist church causes more pain to members and society than good. Since nobody knows when the End will come, why don't they focus on helping humanity instead of creating more shell corporations to hide their money from the lawyers suing for poor-practices of managing pedophiles in the 2000 back to our childhood? I can't see any value the Watchtower is having us, their like fleas or ticks , their parasites using resources without putting anything back. Wasted money to fly Tony Morris to harass homosexuals, deplorable amounts of money are spent to send the jokers to share their intense personal dislikes to anyone stupid enough to obey them.
Catholics do lots for the World through charity, Fundamental Christians in certain churches are trying to make a change for the good, the Watchtower won't move until they see their approach is worthless. What's going to make the Watchtower get unstuck from decades of failed doctrines, worthless teachings and ruined lives and deaths from the Blood Doctrine, lots of people will have to stop attending and donations need to stop and then their will get New Light from their god telling them "We humbly apologize for being calloused men and want you to enjoy as much life, stop feeling guilt over issues that don't bother us(taking vacations with the intent of enjoyment instead of missionary vacations the GB does not do!) working extra to stay afloat and free thinking to question areas that won't kill off the Organization. The Mormons don't expel people for asking questions the Watchtower does, the Fundamentals will not label you "Apostate" for disagreeing with the church pastor!