I mean whatever you think of it to me it deserves to be investigated further. I'm finding more and more info about it...
Here's one more which seems to be summarizing well what others are saying also.
Posts by zagor
Aluminum Chlorhydrate Cause of Breast Cancer?
by zagor ini wanted to post another topic but this morning my girlfriend got this email that frightened a hell out her.
a friend of hers from europe says that she visited this breast cancer symposium; there she asked one of speakers why it is that most of cancers start underneath arms around armpit area.
speaker later cautiously replied in private that it was because of aluminum chlorhydrate which is frequently found in anti-perspirants for women.
Aluminum Chlorhydrate Cause of Breast Cancer?
by zagor ini wanted to post another topic but this morning my girlfriend got this email that frightened a hell out her.
a friend of hers from europe says that she visited this breast cancer symposium; there she asked one of speakers why it is that most of cancers start underneath arms around armpit area.
speaker later cautiously replied in private that it was because of aluminum chlorhydrate which is frequently found in anti-perspirants for women.
they know each other since university days 6y ago, and by the sound of it are good friends. Never saw her though. I don't know.Blondie,
I know that blondie but this sounds something completely different. I have to investigate it further. However, this is not about aluminum but about aluminum chlorhydrate which is something completely different. I think we all may fall in a trup of rejecting some idea just because it was also published in WTBS literature. They are not such brainiacs anyway, most of the time they take information from somewhere else. -
Aluminum Chlorhydrate Cause of Breast Cancer?
by zagor ini wanted to post another topic but this morning my girlfriend got this email that frightened a hell out her.
a friend of hers from europe says that she visited this breast cancer symposium; there she asked one of speakers why it is that most of cancers start underneath arms around armpit area.
speaker later cautiously replied in private that it was because of aluminum chlorhydrate which is frequently found in anti-perspirants for women.
I wanted to post another topic but this morning my girlfriend got this email that frightened a hell out her. A friend of hers from Europe says that she visited this Breast Cancer symposium; there she asked one of speakers why it is that most of cancers start underneath arms around armpit area.
Speaker later cautiously replied in private that it was because of Aluminum Chlorhydrate which is frequently found in Anti-Perspirants for women. I didn’t like her seeing that scared so I did some research of my own. And here is what I’ve come up with. In fact, I better just paste some of that so you can read for yourself and make additional research. I don’t like scaremongering (have had enough of that as a dub for 10 lifetimes) but it think this sound important enough to be known by a general public.
So here it goes. Would of course appreciate your input as it also concerns my gf, sister, mother and many more friend and family.
Aluminium compound, such as aluminium chlorohydrate or aluminium zirconium, which is very soluble, is used as an antiperspirant, that compound is readily absorbed. Once in the body, the aluminium portion of the molecule ionizes, forming free or radical aluminium (AI+++). This passes freely across cell membranes, and forms a physical plug, that when dissolved is selectively absorbed by the liver, kidney, brain, cartilage and bone marrow. It is this concentration of aluminium that has been the source of concern in the medical community and has prompted the research being done on ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE and BREAST CANCER victims. Potassium alum molecules have a negative ionic charge, making it unable to pass through the cell wall. THEY ARE NOT ABSORBED. This is why we recommend the use of Deodorant stones they are safe to use and will not cause high levels of ALUMINIUM in your systems. ALUM and ALUMINIUM are two different substances, with distinct chemical signatures. They possess different chemical properties which create different chemical attributes. The chemical formula for potassium alum is K2SO4AI2(SO4)3·24H2O. Potassium alum is a colorless substance that forms octahedral or cubic crystal
08 January 2004: New evidence to be published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology indicates that parabens, chemicals found in underarm cosmetics and other products, can be detected in human breast tumours. Previous suggestions have been made that certain components of underarm cosmetics may contribute to the rising incidence of breast cancer. Although the connection has yet to be proven, this research represents an important link that will be crucial to further investigations.
Researchers studied samples of 20 different human breast tumours, measuring the concentration of parabens in the tissue. Intact parabens were detected in the samples, with a mean concentration of 20.6 ng per gram of tissue. The parabens were detected in their ester form rather than metabolite form, which suggests that the route of entry was topical and not oral. Dr Philippa Darbre, lead author of the study, explains the significance of the results: "Parabens are used as preservatives in thousands of cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical products but this is the first study to show their accumulation in human tissues. It demonstrates that if people are exposed to these chemicals, then the chemicals will accumulate in their bodies. Their detection in human breast tumours is of concern since parabens have been shown to be able to mimic the action of the female hormone oestrogen and oestrogen can drive the growth of human breast tumours. It would therefore seem especially prudent to consider whether parabens should continue to be used in such a wide range of cosmetics applied to the breast area (including antiperspirants/deodorants)." T
he results of this study are significant and very important, however they must be interpreted with caution. Dr Philip Harvey, European Editor of the journal and author of a leading editorial piece states "Dr Darbre has forwarded a logical hypothesis and called for further research into the potential link between chemicals used in underarm cosmetics and breast cancer. Unlike diffuse environmental exposures to xenoestrogens, the use of underarm cosmetics presents a special case because of the direct application to the skin. The finding of parabens in human tumours is important because it shows that these extraneous weakly oestrogenic chemicals can be detected in the breast and are therefore absorbed. It is clear that these compounds serve no useful purpose in human tissue but further research is required to confirm their route of disposition, persistence and whether they can cause harm. Finally, Dr Darbre and colleagues fully peer reviewed finding of parabens in tumour samples does not imply causality of the tumour and further work is required to examine any association between oestrogenic, and other, chemicals in underarm cosmetics and breast cancer." -------------------------------------------------------
Notes to Editors
Harvey P W and Everett D J. Editorial: Significance of the Detection of Esters of p - Hydroxybenzoic Acid (Parabens) in Human Breast Tumours. Journal of Applied Toxicology. Vol 24, 2004, p. 1-4 (www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jat)
Darbre P D, Aljarrah A, Miller W R, Coldham N G, Sauer M J, and Pope G S. Concentrations of Parabens in Human Breast Tumours. Journal of Applied Toxicology. Vol 24, 2004, p. 5-13 (www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/jat)
Can JW's take vacations.....from the truth?
by JH in.
when jw's want a vacation, they have to go someplace to justify that they aren't at the hall.
so often we hear that brother of sister "x" went to hawaii for 3 weeks, and everybody is happy.. but, if a jw doesn't have the money to take a real vacation, but just wants to take, lets say 3 weeks off, and stay at home without going to any meeting, can it be done without questions asked, just like the couple going to hawaii?.
I know of someone who ended up in hospital and got visited by a couple of elders later who came to counsel her about dangers of "immorality" few weeks after she came home. No one asked if she was ok.
That speaks volumes.
KM School, Private "letters", Elders Mtgs, and your point is........?
by upside/down ini've never understood something... all the political elbowing for superiority and right to brow beat the flock and have a facade of respect due to and unearned, but rather siezed position and the wts can't fix it with all the "provisions from j"?.
i've been to km school, read the "letters" from "mother" and sat through endlessly boring bickerfests meetings.
all the old timers and the politically motivated and upwardly mobile kiss asses ms and elders are in such a tizzy to go to these so they can have "one up-manship" over the rest of the flock (apparently being "in the know" is very titilating).. i remember that most of the counsel from the wts seemed "good", especially that geared toward how ms and elders should conduct themselves and treat the flock.
I believe once old "class" passes away in nex 10 -15 years all of WTBS will be so demoralized and watered down that few faithful won't matter anymore.
Can you refute these?
by Mary Phooty in1. are jesus and michael the archangel really the same person?.
one of the most peculiar of the wtss teachings is their assertion that jesus is actually michael the archangel.
" in acts 10:19-20, this "impersonal force" considers himself to be a person.
What words and phrases do Brits and others see as 'American'?
by sonnyboy inas an american, i see words such as cheerio, blimey, bloody (when referring to something negative), loo, bugger, fag (cigarette), etc.
as chiefly british (i suppose they are).. what words and/or phrases do you consider to be chiefly american?
i'm honestly unaware of which words i use that may not be used in other english-speaking countries.
Not a Brit of American but would love to know who made up
Does Genesis 1:26 support Devine Trinity???
by zagor ini've seen several comments about trinity, so here goes another one: .
please read again genesis 1:26
this is very interesting paragraph and many times is being used as a proof of trinity as it says let us create .
Thank you for your comments, appreciate them very much. I suppose your biggest stumbling block is that JaHVeH is called savior (you didn’t state it explicitly but it certainly sounds like it).
To understand scriptures quoted from the book Isaiah you have to understand to whom those words were addressed. Precisely. They were addressed to wayward Jewish nation at the time when there was really no other savior that could save them from punishing hand of Babylon and Assyria.
That warining was meant to bring those people to attention that they have had no one else to call upon to save them. Hence JaHVeH was precisely their savior. -
Does Genesis 1:26 support Devine Trinity???
by zagor ini've seen several comments about trinity, so here goes another one: .
please read again genesis 1:26
this is very interesting paragraph and many times is being used as a proof of trinity as it says let us create .
HmikeThank you for your comments.
I was really tired yesterday. Didn’t feel like going again into detailed semantics of Hebrew, and above article was the best I could find that encapsulated the meaning of ECHAD without getting too academic.
I was hoping you guys would ignore couple of “spirited” sentences. I couldn’t be bothered to tone down few sentences and besides it wouldn’t be fair to the original author.
The fact remains that ECHAD occurs over 900 times and in every instance it meant literal number 1.I'm not a Hebrew scholar, so I cannot comment on the linguistic issues directly
I can appreciate that you don’t know Hebrew, but I’ll have to be bluntly honest about that.
It is precisely the Hebrew semantics that Christian scholars are using as a vehicle that support their Trinitarian thesis. The fact is though that they are literally abusing Hebrew language. There are academic papers that dispute their theses but unfortunately these are not so widely available to general public, and general public tend to listen ones that are most vocal not those that are quiet experts. By the same token WTBS was able to deceive many of you for number of years and you simply took their word for it most of the time. What makes you think that same thing cannot happen in other churches?I love both Narkissos and Leolaia but I’m afraid that in this instance they are both wrong. When discussing Hebrew you do not chop one word or phrase out of context and make a theory about it. You have to take the whole context. I would challenge them to reconsider doing it and then trying to prove their point.
There are few other members on this board who know Hebrew (one is a born Jew) if I’m wrong I would love them to speak out.On the other hand I’ve provided you with at least a dozen of other scriptures that clearly state that God and Jesus are separate beings. Would you care to comment on those in the light of Trinitarian doctrine?
Also even in Greek scripture there is clear explanation that reoccurs several times what it means to be in one body, I’ve given some of those scriptures last time. Would you care to comment on those please?Here is one more article. It is not too long. Try seeing what it speaks of Hebrew grammar. It wasn't written to offend christians but to make them reconsider Trinity.
"To whom then will you liken G-d, or what likeness compare with him?"
Isaiah 40:18 (NRS)One of the most desperate (and often offensive) attempts to give Christianity the air of validity is trying to find evidence of plurality in the Creator. There are a variety of problems with this theory, which we shall explore below.
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth. (KJV)
In the beginning, who created the heaven and the earth? (Note: most translations use a plural of "heavens.") G-d did. No help from Jesus or a Holy Ghost is indicated here. However, some Christians can’t let it go right there. So, they pore over the Hebrew, trying to find evidence that will support their beliefs, trying to find evidence that the Jews were wrong.
Genesis 1:1 Bereisheet barah Elokim et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz. (Hebrew Transliteration)
Christians point to the name of G-d used in this first verse of the Bible: Elokim. This word ends in "im," which is an indication of plurality. Obviously, there must be a plurality to G-d, right? Absolutely not! If the meaning of this word were to be plural, then the verbs would agree, also being in the plural. The word for "created" is "barah," in the singular.
Exodus 7:1 And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. (KJV)
The word for "god" used in this verse from Exodus is "elokim." How strange! Did the Almighty reconfigure Moses to be comprised of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? Did Moses become more than one person? Of course, not! According to some Christians, because a plural suffix is used, the G-dhead must be plural. Therefore, every time you find a word with a plural suffix, that word will be plural. So, there must have been a plurality in Moses, wasn’t there? The Lord is infinite and perfect. "Elokim" is simply a name that shows His very magnitude by using a plural form of the word.
I’m sure some people who read this essay know of the traditional Jewish toast, "L’Chaim!" To life! "Chaim" means life (singular), yet it uses a plural suffix. The word for "water" is "mayim," which uses a plural suffix. The word for "face" is "panim." Even the word for "heaven," "shamayim" used in the first verse of Genesis has the plural ending. Clearly, not every word in Hebrew that employs a plural suffix is actually a plurality. Just as it is not true that every word in English that ends in "s" is a plural word, not every word in Hebrew that ends with "im" is plural.
Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God [is] one LORD: (KJV)
In Judaism, we call this verse the "Shema," which is the word for "hear." It is our fundamental declaration of faith.
Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: HASHEM is our G-d, HASHEM is the One and Only. (Artscroll)
A slightly different wording, but the meaning is the same. When I was a child, the translation I was taught was "Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our G-d, the Lord is One!" Believe it or not, some Christians try to prove that the Trinity is in this verse from Deuteronomy! Let us observe the Hebrew rendering:
Deuteronomy 6:4 Shema, Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad. (Hebrew Transliteration)
Literally, the verse reads "Hear Israel Hashem Our G-d Hashem One." The word "echad" in Hebrew means "one." There are instances, as some Christians are quick to point at, where the word "echad" denotes a compound unity. They point to passages in Genesis, for instance:
Genesis 1:5 G-d called to the light: "Day," and to the darkness He called: "Night." And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (Artscroll)
The word "one" used here is "echad." Christians point to other instances where "echad" is used to denote a compound unity, and as such, they declare that every time "echad" is used, that it denotes a compound unity, and therefore, The Lord must be a compound unity, proving that the Trinity is in the Torah! Correct? No, this is totally incorrect. The word "echad" in Hebrew actually works in the same way the word "one" does in English. It can mean either a single unity or a compound unity. These Christians are very quick to point to Genesis 1:5, but you’ll never see them point at verses like these:
Exodus 9:7 And Pharaoh sent, and, behold, there was not one of the cattle of the Israelites dead. And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go. (KJV)2 Samuel 13:30 And it came to pass, while they were in the way, that tidings came to David, saying, Absalom hath slain all the king's sons, and there is not one of them left. (KJV)
2 Samuel 17:12 So shall we come upon him in some place where he shall be found, and we will light upon him as the dew falleth on the ground: and of him and of all the men that [are] with him there shall not be left so much as one. (KJV)
Ecclesiastes 4:8 There is one [alone], and [there is] not a second; yea, he hath neither child nor brother: yet [is there] no end of all his labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither [saith he], For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This [is] also vanity, yea, it [is] a sore travail. (KJV)
The word for "one" used here is "echad." "Not one of the cattle" Was each cow a compound unity? Were the king’s sons more than one person each? Of course, not. Just as "one" in English can work both ways, so can the word "echad."In trying to prove a plurality, all that a Christian does is create the possibility of a 2-part, or even a 2-thousand part G-d. The fact remains:
Nowhere in the Torah will you find that G-d is comprised of a Trinity.
At the Council of Nicea (325 CE), the doctrine of the Bianity became canonized, equating Jesus to the substance of G-d in Christian theology. The Council of Constantinople in 381 CE added the Holy Spirit to the Bianity and the Trinity was canonized. These councils contradicted the Torah of Moses. See Deuteronomy 4:2 and 12:32 (13:1) for instructions regarding changes to the Torah. Who are we to believe? Moses, or these councils?p.s. didn’t have you in mind when I asked if we can have only academic level discussion. Fact is, there were few outburst in this thread as well as some even nastier ones privately, so that's why now days I refuse to discuss it unless every side can hold their horses in place
interesting medical procedure - is that next on WTBS menu??
by zagor inboffins create zombie dogs
by nick buchan of news.com.aujune 27, 2005 from:
eerie ... boffins have brought dead dogs back to life, in the name of science.
Boffins create zombie dogs
By Nick Buchan of NEWS.com.au June 27, 2005 From:
SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.
Pittsburgh's Safar Centre for Resuscitation Research has developed a technique in which subject's veins are drained of blood and filled with an ice-cold salt solution.
The animals are considered scientifically dead, as they stop breathing and have no heartbeat or brain activity.
But three hours later, their blood is replaced and the zombie dogs are brought back to life with an electric shock.
Plans to test the technique on humans should be realised within a year, according to the Safar Centre.
However rather than sending people to sleep for years, then bringing them back to life to benefit from medical advances, the boffins would be happy to keep people in this state for just a few hours,
But even this should be enough to save lives such as battlefield casualties and victims of stabbings or gunshot wounds, who have suffered huge blood loss.
During the procedure blood is replaced with saline solution at a few degrees above zero. The dogs' body temperature drops to only 7C, compared with the usual 37C, inducing a state of hypothermia before death.
Although the animals are clinically dead, their tissues and organs are perfectly preserved.
Damaged blood vessels and tissues can then be repaired via surgery. The dogs are brought back to life by returning the blood to their bodies,giving them 100 per cent oxygen and applying electric shocks to restart their hearts.
Tests show they are perfectly normal, with no brain damage.
"The results are stunning. I think in 10 years we will be able to prevent death in a certain segment of those using this technology," said one US battlefield doctor.