Posts by zagor
Muhammad Ali has died few minutes ago.
by Iamallcool in .
The real truth is that you know you've recovered when you stop caring about JW's
by gubberningbody init's perhaps sad, but perhaps a bit of wisdom to come to realize how insignificant jws really are.. .
you finally get to the point where you don't even care what happens to the borg one way or another.. .
this said after almost four years..
Should I attend a JW funeral?
by Flat_Accent ini mean, i had respect for the guy, and it's obviously right to be there for the family and show support.
however, i can imagine what it will be like going back.
i was friendly with a lot of the older, tougher sisters, so i'm sure they'll get on my case.
I see nothing wrong in attending, and emotions are normal. At times like these one leaves behind what divides us and shows up for the sake of humanity. Funeral is no time to make a point. And if they try something just rise above it, smile and say you've come to show respect and not to discuss beliefs.
Gravitation and Electric Energy, Golden Age, August 17, 1932 [Repost]
by VM44 inthe sheer literal stupidity of clayton woodworth publishing this article in the golden age demands that it be reposted.. this article is in the "not even wrong" category!.
*** the golden age 1932 august 17, pp.707-710 ***.
gravitation and electric energy.
Therefore, Newton's "universal law of gravitation", that "every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely as the squares of their distance apart", is not true.
Is that right?? What arrogance of ignorance.
Closing down of all non-native congregations in The Netherlands
by Gorbatchov inthis weekend serious sources told me that in the netherlands the society is closing down all non-native congregations.
because of the mixed population of this country, there are >100 non-native congregations like english, france, dutch-caribian, arab, chinese, italian, russian, spanish etc.. my source was backing the dissision of the society because "these non-native congregations are islands on their own, with group-thinking and not allways listening to the society..." and concluded "these non-natives has to learn dutch instead of we are learning their language".. strange: some years ago many jw's learned a foreign language (like arab or chinese!
) and now they are all closing down.
Is that something that came from NY or from local branch of wtbs? I think its more of a relfection of Dutch attitude toward foreigners and their ways of doing things in general. But if it came from NY, well perhaps this is the begining of the end of wtbs. Native culture is something even Catholic Church has learn not to work against, which is why they are still around.
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
zagor - Do you really want to stand by that comment? What about a lifetime of making difficult science accessible to millions of non-experts, does that get him any credit?
I believe I already answered that. But to clarify it.
Perhaps a good reflection of what I mean is this. When any other scientist says outright, there is no god, few dare to argue. I never saw the name of Stephen Hawking dragged through mud for saying there is no god, or Roger Penrose or just about any other public figure of science. Perhaps it is because these guys have drawn the line how far they allow themselves to go. Ironically perhaps to quote Jesus of Nazareth here "do not throw your pearls to pigs" Which is what Richard does. That woman in the video is an idiot of course, but she keeps dragging him down and he goes along. I think he really tries hard to krack every nut, but perhaps too hard. I believe in dignity of science and it should be kept elevated without resorting to mud wrestling. Until I saw him live, I like many here have laughed at his goofs, but then have realized there must be a better way, and there is. -
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
ZAGOR: Let me guess... you are a believer, right?
absolute nonsense, in fact I was the one who often quoted him around this form for a long time mate. e.g.
What I say has nothing to do with evolution or creation but I've had a chance to see him live and although I liked his arguments as always, I was left with somewhat bad taste in my mouth few times during the event. It didn't feel right because of contemptuous undercurrent. I think he tries to be funny but looking around the room and seeing some of the faces of those I know who came seeking some elightment.. Well basically I think he didn't help them much in those moments. Other than that he is a brilliant scientist
How truly happy are you?
by Freeof1914 ini am just curious to hear of some you who have left the org completely, how happy are you?
in my situation i feel like i am on a precipice and about to make a leap into the unknown.
since i have told my family elders and wife that i will mo longer go to the meetings or out on service i feel as if a load has been lifted.
I truly am now. Like Billy said, Its a journey, and like any journey its a walk into unknown, but that is what makes it so special. Of course, you will make mistakes. There will be times you wished you've had remote from the movie Click in your hands. I have, and I believe many have too. Eventually though you will find your peace and find that thing that you are. I was watching this doco yesterday about Freemasons, they have this beautiful saying "Know Thyself" I believe everything boils down to that. That moment you truly know what you are about, everything will change and byproduct will be happiness and peace. Simply because you will live the best version of yourself, without religion or overlords.
May I also recommend a great book by Sir Ken Robinson The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
What are your favourite movie lines/quotes????
by karter in''well there's one thing you got ta ask yourself felling lucky...well do ya punk".....clint eastwood dirty harry.. "it's life jim but not as we know it" capt kirk star treck..
british press have knifes out for Richard Dawkins
by highdose insince that great atheist heavy weight christopher hitchens left us.
it seems the british press have had their knifes out for richard dawkins.
mostly trying to discredit him and smear his name.. his exasperated "oh god!
I'm not religious in any shape or form but for my taste he lacks class and dignity. Every word that comes out of his mouth is in essence "you dumb-f..ks" You just can't do that no matter how much of an expert you are.
Such methods will never make anyone rethink his postion but rather make people aggitated, polarized and waiting for their turn to strike whenever they can, which is exactly what is happening right now. "Oh God" is silly of course and in reality if any othe scientist has said it people would have barely registered it. Fact is, it has nothing to do with god and everything with his attitude. Not everything in life is a fist-fight.